[hider=Archion (Hufflepuff)] [center] [hider=He Gets Sweaty in those you know?] [hider=Pick] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/24105321/tumblr_lysk041IFN1qb1hb4o1_1280_large.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=One] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/19/77/241977635aa8efab72cabe5457a385dd.jpg[/img][/hider] Holding up a figure of 5'11", and having a weight of around 175 pounds, Archion seems to be an intimidating person as he gives off the air of 'Care-Free', 'Energetic' and 'Bubbly'. Adapting his posture from occasion to occasion, he prefers the more feminine 'L' posture or the one with one arm holding the other while its hanging down despite the two being more feminine. He also seems to never stay in one place or stay still as he is always seen moving around the room and starting every step with a burst of energy when he has some. He’s also is always seen smiling and never having a negative emotion spread upon his face keeping it relatively positive or neutral most of the time. However, on occasion you catch him scowling, rolling his eyes or sighing sadly before brightening up to talk to someone. [/hider] [/center] [center] [color=MediumSpringGreen]Name:[/color] Archion Silverwood [color=MediumSpringGreen]Age[/color] 17 [color=MediumSpringGreen]Year[/color] 7th [color=MediumSpringGreen]House[/color] Hufflepuffs [hr] [color=MediumSpringGreen]Classes taken[/color] [u][i][b]*With the Assistance of the Time Turner*[/b][/i][/u] -Defense Against the Dark Arts -History of Magic -Charms -Herbology -Potions -Transfiguration -Alchemy -Care of Magical Creatures -Study of Ancient Runes -Astrology -Divination -Ghoul Studies -Music [hr] [color=MediumSpringGreen]Short bio[/color] Being the oldest son of the two couple, Peter Harkness and Naomi Harkness, he was an adopted child to the two couples who couldn't birth their own children due to complications so they adopted. His parent's didn't know much about Archion's past or his parents as it was shrouded in mystery where he was from. He was abandoned as a child at the Firefighter Station, where he was taken in and put into the system where he went from family to family. He however, eventually found a home for himself and was starting to settle down living a normal life with just the three of them. When the letters began coming, were more or less neutral about their adopted 'child' being a wizard, as he latter found out that his mother was a squib who knew of what the letters were for. She had the appropriate friends that she knew and trusted to give their son to, so Archion could collect his supplies for school until he was old enough. Growing up with Hogwart's supplies available to him, Archion was a very avid pupil who was studious and a book worm. Yet, he was the perfect blend of brains and charm, being able to be smart while being a pretty outgoing and social person. This caused many problems for the Sorting Hat, as it was shortly turned into a 5 and a half minute hatstall, debating between him and the hat on which house was best for him. Deciding it was best, the Ravenclaws was spared from the boy and placed into the Hufflepuffs despite his impressive intelligence, as his social skills were the deciding factor of the decision. Despite the hat's, final say in the sorting Archion didn't mind as he soon got permission for the usage of the Time Turner, allowing him to take more classes in a day than one can imagine. The amount of time he had spent rewinding he has already forgotten but it wouldn't surprise him if he already rewinded up to several months worth of time. He had always used the Turner's magic responsibly for the most part, with the exception always being here or maybe there in a long while but besides that he always used it for his studies and classes. However, his constant travels back in time often leaves him drained with the amount of classes he volunteered to take, he is often spending his spare time sleep when not studying or going to classes. [color=MediumSpringGreen]Personality[/color] Archion is an outgoing person who likes socializing with real people but prefers to socialize over the internet where he can talk to anyone in the world, however no technology in Hogworts so too bad for him. He also hates being doubted wrong by his friends and other people and easily holds grudges on people, however feigns it off with a mask that he wears nicely to hide his opinions about them, always looking to be a happy individual. His ability to hide his emotion is a good thing however it can amount to bad results, as he often holds them in instead of releasing it and confronting making him get into trouble more when it all just... pops. When he is not on the web or speaking to his friends his most common hobby that he likes to do is read and be alone. He has a blend of both halves, almost perfectly between and introvert and extrovert maintaining good relationships whip leaving enough time for himself as well. However, he is always seen out of breath but dismisses it as nothing to most people, not wanting them to worry about him but sometimes is mistaken for not wanting others to pry in his life. [color=MediumSpringGreen]Wand[/color] 11'5" Cherry, Dragon Hearstring [color=MediumSpringGreen]Patronus[/color] [s]Unicorn[/s] Large Albino Snake [color=MediumSpringGreen]Hobbies[/color] Practicing Spells, Reading in the Library, Talking to his friends, Time Turning obviously and traveling by Apparition... [color=MediumSpringGreen]Likes[/color] A good old simple talk - A shoulder to cry and lean on - Reading Books - Photographic Designing [color=MediumSpringGreen]Dislikes[/color] Having no purpose in life, Being viewed inferior by others, People with a stick up them, Giving up too early [color=MediumSpringGreen]Pets[/color] No pets, if you don't count books [color=MediumSpringGreen]Personal Possessions[/color] A Time Turner, The necessary supplies for his classes, and A functional Deluminator [color=MediumSpringGreen]Relationships[/color] None yet [color=MediumSpringGreen]NPCs[/color] Random Students [color=MediumSpringGreen]Why am I amazing?[/color] Umm, I have a Time Turner Duh?! [/center] [/hider]