[quote=@Orior] [@AllIsOne] Alright, he looks awesome! I just have a few comments, but nothing too bad. I really like your character, he's not what I was expecting. Even though his father is a King, he'd still pay some sort of homage to the Emperor, but the whole concept is fine (not necessarily complete sovereignty, but you get it [s]right?[/s]). That's just me being nit-picky. The only other issues I have are his abilities being just a bit too involved for costing 1 SP. Is there an upgrade to Quickness, the plus sign? Because then I believe you have one too many SP in your skeleton. For Illusion; what kind of illusion? Auditory, visual, or both? How big can it be? (Please remember that you will be able to upgrade these abilities.) The tracking seems a bit OP, so could you pick a terrain/environment he is a specialist in? [/quote] I was thinking that the tracking might be a bit too OP too. Alright, I'll fix it up, but for the next 24 hours I won't be able to be active here, so expect it to be ready in like 26 hours.