[@Orior] I'll go over points as I come to them. Formatting: I was not aware that there was a set character sheet at all. I didn't see any links or anything to it, so... that'd be my fault, I suppose. I can modify him to fit that character sheet, [s]if you could make the link and/or the sheet itself more obviously present[/s] apparently you already did that, so we'll see how that works out. OPness: Yeah, that one's my bad. To be honest, I'm somewhat used to playing in settings where versatility doesn't directly correspond to power, and I guess I got carried away. That being said, if you could recommend suitable replacement spells for those, I would greatly appreciate it. Character development: To be fair, how a character develops can have nothing to do with how strong they are. For instance, Superman's story is for all intents and purposes one of character development, with any strength enhancement being incidental to this. Then again, a great many people despise Superman for how powerful he is at all, so who am I to judge? But again, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could recommend suitable replacements for those spells, and I'll most likely modify Voel's biography to match. Then again, I could just go straight in on that Kenshiro idea... Semantic issues: I'd like to know what these are. I'd rather get rid of them sooner rather than later, and I'm sure future signees would appreciate the fixes too. EDIT: In fact, screw it, I'm going all-in on this Kenshirexpy idea. I evidently don't expect him to ever develop ludicrous insta-kill moves of that sort, but all things considered, I think I'm close enough to that sort of character anyway that a slight change won't be too difficult.