[hider=Reference picture.] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/195/7/b/dwarven_warrior_by_mictones-d577r2f.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ee/b4/1d/eeb41da683097d848540bf862f6ab9e7.jpg[/img] Durin [img]http://wiki.tripwireinteractive.com/images/c/cb/Trader_Dwarven_Battle_Axe.png[/img] Moradin [/hider] [u]Name:[/u] Dalgun Battlehammer [u]age:[/u] 130 [u]Race:[/u] Iron Dwarf [u]Appearance:[/u] Dalgun is your textbook image of a Dwarf. Four feet, 3 inches tall with a braided fiery red beard and furiously determined eyes. He wears plate mail crafted by a close (now dead) friend of Dwarven steel, trimmed in gold and adorned with Dwarven runes. These runes hold no power but are merely décor. Dwarven codes of honor forever engraved. He carries an Axe at one side and his Hammer on the other. [u]Personality:[/u] An honorable and righteous soul, Dalgun will always fight fair and protect those who cant protect themselves. He also makes light of battle, often singing, jesting, or laughing as his axe rends flesh and his hammer crushes bones. Dalgun is also (as many Dwarves are) a heavy drinker and carries a horn of ale. A lesser known side to this Dwarf is the nostalgic side. The part of him that remembers the 'good 'ol days' and sometimes leads him to remorse, an all to common occurrence among those old enough to remember how good life used to be. [u]Religion:[/u] Dalgun was a warrior smith before the First Descent and a devout follower of Kurladt. Betrayed by his god, Dalgun abandoned his forge and crafting to focus his rage against the many beasts that roamed the world. [u]Bio:[/u] As old as he is, it is quite safe to say Dalgun was born into the old world. His childhood was much like other Iron Dwarves in the City State of Kord'An. Kord'An itself was on the fringe of Dwarf territory within the deep places of the world and followed the architecture typical to the Dwarven race. Many of its buildings were dug into the rock face of the caverns and were simply smaller caverns themselves with ornate doorways. Kord'An lay in a cavern of monstrous proportions though so there were standing structures, as well as a sturdy wall around the city. The central Government of the City State was a Monarchy and thus a palace hung from the cavern roof like a massive stalactite in the center of the city. A Large, intricate stairway connected the bottom most level of the palace to the city streets. This design prevented a massive invasion of the palace by infantry. Long had Clan Battlehammer been recognized among the Dwarves for their warriors and smiths. Durin Battlehammer, Dalgun's father, had been the Kings personal smith while other members of the family served as officers in the army. Durin taught Dalgun the ways of Kurladt and the anvil. Through his father, he too became a smith worthy of recognition. It was Moradin, brother of Durin, that taught Dalgun the ways of the Battlerager. [i]To fight with your heart and soul and let your passion drive your arm to slay your foe! To take heed and answer the call, to axe and Hammer do the wicked fall! A song of honor and valor we sing, the Battlerager's wrath to you we bring! [/i] The Battleragers chant, and code. Battleragers were an organization of warriors dedicated to upholding justice and defending those who could not defend themselves. Most comfortable when surrounded, small numbers of foes held little interest to the crazed defenders. Dalgun and his brethren prefered when the odds are stacked against them and find themselves outnumbered. Being outnumbered got the blood and adrenaline flowing quickly and heightened ones fear of death, therefore increasing the willingness to survive and by doing so causing the warrior to fight harder. Under the tutelage of Durin and Moradin, Dalgun learned his trades quickly and exceeded expectations. His combat training consisted mostly of actual combat against roving bands of goblins and other ilk of the caverns. At 40 years of age, Dalgun was dubbed an official Battlerager of Kord'An. This is also the day he forged his axe and named it Moradin after his uncle, who taught him the ways of war. And when Durin, Patron of Clan Battlehammer, gifted his son with his most magnificent Hammer. Dalgun named the weapon after his father, who passed on his knowledge of Kurladt to his son. The city of Kord'An was unaware of the goings on of the surface and the proceedings of the First Descent... and would have continued to do so had it not been for the smithies. Dalgun had been at his Father's forge, crafting a battle helm for a fellow Battlerager, when the signs first began. The forges fire burned low, cold, and could not smelt the ores. Steel cracked and his smithing tools splintered. Ingots showed impurities.. Dalgun and albeit many other smiths in the city knew instantly what had transpired. Kurladt.. their patron god of the forges.. had abandoned them. Not more than a week after the smiths reported that, the city fell under siege by the beasts of the tunnels. Ever the roaming bands of mindless creatures, suddenly they were driven and focused and whats worse they were at the walls. Climbing, smashing, doing what they could to get inside. Goblins, trolls, spiders, orcs, umberhulks, to name but a few of the creatures assaulting the city. Kord'An was caught off guard but not crippled. The Dwarves quickly mounted a defense and bought time for the citizens to retreat to the palace which would be much easier to defend. The siege lasted for more than three years before the horde of beasts began to disperse. Not before killing half of the population of the city, though. It was the King's decree that a party be dispatched to the surface to discern the source of these events. The abandonment of their god and the horde of monsters.. A party of six was chosen (the smaller the group the easier they could slip by their enemies) and Dalgun volunteered. Two of the six fell in the tunnels before they could break the surface. The remaining four emerged from the underdark the find that the world was much different than it'd been before. The Dwarves sought answers, traveling throughout the old human kingdom and finding naught but death and destruction. They lent their axe and hammer to any in need they found and thus committed themselves to helping the surface dwellers while they searched for answers. Over the last 17 years, the other three Dwarves fell in battle and only Dalgun remained. Devoted to bringing justice and hope to this diminished world. The palace of Kord'An, his home, may still stand (or hang, rather) but he would not return until this deed was done. Traveling and combating the monsters of this new hell, Dalgun now finds himself in the port city called Urenda [u]Class:[/u] Warrior [u]Skill points:[/u] 0/6 [u]Weapons:[/u] [b]Moradin-[/b] His one handed Axe crafted by himself deep within the forges of Kord'an and enchanted by the Diamond Dwarves of that city so that it may never rust nor feel the effects of time. [b]Durin-[/b] A hammer, crafted of ore fallen from the stars and given to him by his father long ago. Durin, due to Dwarven craftsmanship and unique alloy, is remarkably light despite its bone shattering capabilities. [u]Skills:[/u] Fighting style- Battlerager (dual wield hammer and axe) Heavy armor. 2 sp [u]Natural abilities:[/u] [b]Dwarven strength-[/b] Dwarven warriors are known for their strength and Dalgun is no exception. [b]Battlerager's tenacity+ -[/b] As a Battlerager, Dalgun can fight for extended periods despite his heavy armor and bone crushing weapons. [b]Pain resistance-[/b] Can take hits that would stop most others in their tracks, or do things that most others cant (such as head butting an Orc in close combat)