Replacement character for Voel follows. [hider=Reference Pictures] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [indent]Koe Henir[/indent] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [indent]32[/indent] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [indent]Human[/indent] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [indent]Koe is possessed of pale skin and eyes of a deep brown, almost black colour, with a thick mop of messy black hair atop his head; he is moderately muscular, with a chiseled face and a set of seven circular scars across his chest in the pattern of a relatively famous constellation, and he is about 186cm tall. His clothing consists of blue trousers composed of a dense flannel-like substance, a red undershirt, a simple vest of the same colour and material as his trousers, two brown leather shoulder pads, and black shoes; this is usually hidden beneath a brown travelling cloak that covers his entire body, complete with eye-shadowing hood.[/indent] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [indent]Koe is generally a very calm and pragmatic individual, whose personal philosophy dictates that he try to defuse tricky social situations when possible. He is not fond of fighting others, and will avoid doing so if possible, but is direct when it comes to ending fights decisively - he will use as much force as is necessary to stop somebody from attacking him, and if it is the case that he is forced to kill them to do this, then so be it. That being said, he is not fond of those who would make the situation any worse than it already is for the inhabitants of Reath, and tends to count, for instance, bandits as a social situation to be defused, with as much strength as is necessary if worst comes to worst; also, it is occasionally the case that one may find him staring off into nothing, with what might be mistaken for a sorrowful look in his eyes, before he snaps back to attention.[/indent] [u][b]Morality / Religion:[/b][/u] [indent]Koe pays at least casual heed to most remaining gods that still see merit in the mortals of the world, particularly those of the human pantheon, but shows a surprising degree of deference towards Elanom, apparently staying up late on many nights to worship her specifically. This is perhaps justified, as both parties seemingly feel that they should do what they can to assist the remaining mortals of the world, though in Koe's case, he is somewhat more aggressive when it comes to situations where one mortal party is choosing to harass another.[/indent] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][indent]Adopted by the famous martial arts master Raika alongside four other children, Koe was always quite a curious individual, and took up practice of his master's martial art, Kaze a-Raken, a.k.a. The Fist of the Gods, in a bid to become its successor. The art in question was one that followed a particular rule of succession - namely, that there could be only one master and one student of it at any given time, and for the longest time, it seemed that its successor would be the oldest and most skilled brother, Raga, as the second-oldest Tukoeh chose to abandon practice of the art and develop an alternate, more passive fighting style of his own, whilst the third-oldest Kaje repeatedly proved himself far too cruel and unfocused to be suitable for further training, at one point even threatening Koe's own life, but failing to overcome him and ultimately being severely injured by Raika for his indiscretion. Alas, it was not long before the Descent came upon the world, and the four brothers were scattered to the winds in their respective struggles against the subsequent apocalypse. Koe spent the majority of his teenage years alone and wandering, finding that he dare not attempt to continue training up what little martial artistry he knew, for fear that he was not worthy of the title of successor. Far too often, though, he found that the few remaining mortals of the world were as cruel to each other as the demons that marauded across the remaining habitable land, and after a particularly bad encounter in which his body was scarred in the pattern of Kaze a-Raken's own inspirational constellation, he finally decided that he would train to save the mortal races from themselves, even if fate did not wish for him to succeed, and began mercilessly practicing what little of the martial art he was still capable of, focusing in each case on a single aspect to perfect each technique as best he could by his own merits. It was during this period that he met the woman who would prove to be his soulmate, a ground elf named Jaen of blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an optimistic personality that saw the best in everyone in spite of the fact that some foul demonic illness constantly threatened her life, which drew Koe like a moth to a flame. The two relatively quickly fell in love with one another, and spent many happy years together, until the day that a raiding party attacked their settlement and stole Jaen away. Koe once more took to the road, following leads that would, no more than a couple of months after Jaen's abduction, take him to Urenda, hopeful that perhaps he might reunite with Jaen once more, should bandit, demon, or her own failing health have not yet taken her from the world.[/indent] [u][b]Other Notes:[/b][/u][indent]Koe's past experiences have ingrained somewhat of a fear in him that he is "not good enough", which has driven a lot of his development; telling him that he cannot, for whatever reason, help out in a situation is one of the few things that is likely to break his cool, and repetitive instances of such from any given person are likely to anger him to the point of rage.[/indent] [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] [indent]Monk[/indent] [u][b]Skill Points:[/b][/u] [indent]0 / 7[/indent] [u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u] [indent]Koe practices Kaze a-Raken, or the Fist of the Gods (0 SP), a martial art originally developed by ancient sun elves that, through use of induced trances and occasionally mana to enhance physique and perform relatively minor feats of will, is primarily designed to kill one's opponents even through armour with just the user's hands, though it can also be utilised for, amongst other things, permanently mutilating one's foes and negating the force behind both armed and unarmed assaults. Alas, Koe's training in the art is nowhere near complete, and he has been forced to rely on a few moves of substantially lesser strength than those present in the martial art's true form, though he generally makes up for this with creative uses and combinations of those techniques he does possess.[/indent] [u][b]Magic Style:[/b][/u][indent]N/A[/indent] [u][b]Weapons / Tools:[/b][/u][indent]N/A[/indent] [u][b]Skills / Abilities:[/b][/u][indent] [list][*]Teten-Reka Kaze, a.k.a. Hundred-Strike Fist (0 SP): Utilising a combination of crushing palm and fist blows and piercing finger strikes, typically alongside the induced trance state of dyl-Dracken Kovos (see below), Koe strikes a target a great many times in just a few seconds. True masters of this technique can strike a target a hundred times in just a few seconds even without enhancement (hence the technique's name), shattering bone and rending flesh with each strike; Koe's version, whilst coming relatively close to emulating the speed of such an attack, has nothing like the raw power behind each strike, mostly relying on the extreme number of blows dealt and dyl-Dracken Kovos' trance to subdue foes. To wit, this merely describes the most effective nature of such a technique, the "Hundred-Strike" portion being somewhat of a misnomer - strikes can be removed and their force reduced as needed, such that Koe may deal as much or as little damage to a foe as he desires; along the same lines, additional attacks may be added on to the end of this technique to increase the overall damage dealt if needed, though more attacks obviously take more time, and stringing attacks together for too long obviously runs the risk of gradually tiring Koe out. [*]Ulsir vot-Dracken, a.k.a. Breaking the Dragon's Wings (1 SP, +1 Upgrade): An extremely fast and powerful attack made with a knife hand, the mastered version is intended to completely mutilate or even sever limbs and/or extremities such that they can never be used again, though it is equally as effective at mutilating and severing heads or bodies if aimed correctly, and will typically shear through armour like butter to boot; Koe's version is certainly relatively powerful, able to slash about two inches into unprotected flesh, even dealing damage through hardened leather armour, but is nothing like as powerful as the full-power technique. Often tacked on at the end of a Teten-Reka Kaze by Koe as a finishing strike, or to kill opponents that he sees no need to waste additional energy upon. [*]se-Velsis Reka, a.k.a. Sealing Strike (1 SP): One of the few inherently non-lethal attacks in Kaze a-Raken, this technique targets pressure points on a foe in order to paralyse their muscles, forcing them to go limp for several minutes at a time, and those Kaze a-Raken masters who possess magic can use it to enhance the paralysis effect or even disrupt the foe's mana channelling capability. Evidently, Koe's version of the technique is noticably weaker - his Sealing strikes tend to cause only momentary muscle spasm on their own, and his lack of training sometimes catches him out when trying to find a pressure point to target; as of current, the move is more useful for the purposes of throwing off an opponent's accuracy than paralysing them for extended periods of time, though this can obviously open them up for more lethal blows if need be.[/list][/indent] [u][b]Natural Abilities:[/b][/u][indent] [list][*]dyl-Dracken Kovos, a.k.a. Sun Dragon's Breath (3 SP): The technique of Sun Dragon's Breath is one of the fundamental principles of Kaze a-Raken, and one of the major reasons why it can be so immensely destructive, yet it is one of the most difficult aspects of the art to fully master. In principle, however, it involves manipulating one's breathing in order to put oneself into a lucid trance of sorts, during which the body is, supposedly, filled with the power of the sun itself. In practice, what this actually does is channel mana to maximise the user's potential with their current physique, allowing them to access up to 100% of their strength, speed, and toughness, as opposed to the mere 30% or so that most others are capable of utilising; in essence, their physical strength, speed, and damage resistance is more than tripled whilst in trance state, making the user a force to be reckoned with for most common foes. Koe has not mastered this technique, and in some sense has developed a slightly different technique in and of itself - as of current, the trance he enters allows him to access up to 60% of his physical ability rather than the full 100%, a boost of roughly double his normal physical power, but the trance itself is not passively maintained by patterned breathing during combat as it is with the standard form of the technique, instead requiring Koe to perform his breathing prior to entering the trance, and then remaining in trance for about 50% longer than he maintained his breathing for. All that being said, no mere mortal was meant to wield the power of the sun: whilst a true master can circumvent any negative side effects through stamina training, amongst other things, Koe's imperfect form of the technique can, if he sustains it for too long, begin tearing his muscles apart, since the human body did not evolve to utilise that much strength at a time, and certainly not for as long as he can maintain it. [*]Drevel el-Lyka, a.k.a. Fluid Moon (1 SP): One of the biggest strengths of Kaze a-Raken is its fluidity, the ability of its user to switch from one attack form to another in an instant. Unlike many of the martial art's finer points, this fluidity is not lost on Koe, and he is quite capable of stringing his combat techniques together in a variety of ways, for instance inserting se-Velsis Rekas into the attack flurry of his Teten-Reka Kaze to ensure that foes remain off-balance and unable to fight back. To some extent, this fluidity bleeds over into his personality, granting him a certain degree of creativity in many situations outside of combat, and ensures that he can to a certain extent incorporate moves from other fighting styles into his own from observation alone if he so desires.[/list][/indent] [u][b]Spells / Magical Abilities:[/b][/u][indent]N/A[/indent] [u][b]General Equipment:[/b][/u][indent] [list][*]Storage bag; [*]Supply of dried food; [*]Minor valuable trinkets, gathered to sell to others; [*]Spare change, with most excess money spent on food and shelter; [*]A locket containing a magically-induced image of his family members: Raika, Raga, Tukoeh, and Kaje, as well as himself.[/list][/indent]