[hider=Quartermaster Davis Chutney]Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/cCWzIRI.jpg[/img] Name: Davis Chutney Gender: M Nicknames/Aliases: Sensei Epithet: Local Radio Calisthenics Instructor Age: 51 Bounty: 0 Hometown: Nomen Island Pirate Crew: Now Recruiting Role: Quartermaster Abilities & Skills: Sensei-do: Chutney has mastered an esoteric martial art used by generations of teachers to discipline delinquents the world over. It is focused on making use of various classroom implements for combat, such as rulers, erasers, and most famously the deadly Sniper Chalk. Total Recall/Photographic Reflexes: Chutney has a perfect memory, capable of total recall of any event he has observed. Furthermore, he is capable of perfectly mimicking an action after seeing it performed once. He can only mimic actions to the extent that his body allows, so he is incapable of mimicking fruits and techniques requiring specialized anatomy or superhuman abilities. Additionally copying gives no understanding of the underlying mechanics of an action, just the action itself. Akashic Drive: Chutney can further push his photographic reflexes to temporarily take on the personality and abilities of various contemporary or historical figures. Ultimate Teacher: Chutney, finally, has a vast array of knowledge of the world due to a combination of his perfect memory, experience as a pirate, and voracious appetite for books. He can generally be expected to recalls some obscure bit of trivia about just about anything he comes across. Personality: Davis Chutney is a hot-blooded teacher who is here to crack down and enforce discipline on these rowdy students. Biography: Born on Nomen Island, Chutney was an very smart child who was the victim of poor discipline and a shoddy elementary-school education. At the age of 12, he became a delinquent, joining up with one of the roving gangs of tricycle-mounted, leather-clad, candy-cigarette-chomping fifth-graders that terrorized the island. Somewhat later, he decided to take his thug lifestyle even further by running away and joining up with a passing crew of pirates, where he found work as a cabin boy and later deckhand. The hard work helped him come to terms with himself, and eventually he dropped his delinquent lifestyle altogether. Deciding that his destiny was to give the children of Nomen Island the discipline and education they deserved, he retired to his homeland and worked as a teacher for many years. He enforced strict, hotblooded discipline on the young punks, shaping them into productive members of society. He developed a reputation of knowing just about anything you could ask him, and being willing to listen to anything you would tell him. Things seemed set for Chutney, until one day a child asked him a question: Was really [i]was[/i] at the end of the Grand Line? What was [i]in[/i] the One Piece? For once in his life, Chutney could not answer a student's question. What [i]was[/i] the One Piece? He had in his time heard only uncited anecdotes or outright fabrications as to the nature of the treasure. Once again filled with resolve, he set off on a journey to find out exactly what the One Piece was. After all, the students of his homeland deserved to know! Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AlcQ3iq5uM[/url] Other: He keeps a dwarf Den-Den Mushi as a pet (it only picks up radio calisthenics, though).[/hider]