[b][color=#04B404]Thomas[/color][/b] As he was lying down on his bed, the constant beeps of his heart rate became white noise to him. He was about to fall back to sleep due to the comfy bed he was lying on, this was till an immense feeling of dread filled his being. He looked around and saw a tall, figure, his very presence oozed fear, not towards him, but to others around him. His presence choked up Thomas, if there were ever alarms in your head that tells you something is dangerous, this was the time. He entered the room, then strides to a chair and quickly gets comfortable. Thomas' fight or flight kicked in and his adrenaline started to pump. "Hello, Thomas." said the tall frame with a cold and menacing tone, "You don't mind, do you?" while lighting a cigarette, with no apparent care for Thomas' consent. His Golden eyes was an oddity that perturbed Thomas, he couldn't help but feel a bit unnerved. "Those are some wounds on you. Must've been one hell of a knife fight." he said with a deep breath, glare never leaving his own, "Unless it was an animal you were hunting. A wolf maybe…" Through general conception and judging by his demeanor and cold eyes, he had already figured out this intimidating stranger was infact a werewolf. [i][color=#04B404]"Who are you."[/color][/i] was the only phrase Thomas was able to choke out, practically glaring at him at this point.