Isa had just been about to say something, to break the silence between the other creatures, when one of them launched herself into a strange and somewhat annoying monolouge. Her pitch and tone and tempo changed constantly as she spoke, and Isa didn't like it. "I find myself in a similar situation to you, Diana." Isa spoke slowly, calmly, not wanting to seem threatening to anyone, but not wanting to seem bubbly or immature as the girl, as Diana, had seemed to her. Isa walked closer to the statue that was in the center of the group, more so that they could see her than for her to see them. Taking a breath, Isa made her tone lighter and tried to add a touch of kindness to her words. "I am Isa, by the way. I don't know who any of you are, but I suppose I should say that for some reason, I don't feel on edge around you. I may not remember the events that brought us together, but I trust my intuition. I dont think that any of us are meant to be enemies here."