Iowa ran through thought after thought in his head, “Hmmm,” he paused for a moment [b]“I have a feeling I know what you mean, each one of us understands our own field, me medical, south data, and so on, but we’ve only had a week of training, with only one or two sims, I can see this ‘little’ organisation going down fast.”[/b] As Team B left the vehicle Iowa shouted after them, [b]“Hey don’t get yourself killed out there, I want someone to have a drink with afterwards,”[/b] Iowa entered the Pilot’s cabin as soon as Alaska had called him. He loaded up all the medical reports the suits were sending out. And then loaded up the radio channel, proceeding to patch in Alaska. [b]“Okay and we’re in”[/b] he announced. He responded to Cal as soon as it came in on his radio [b]“Okay Cheers Cal, Team B that gives you a clear line to the hangar, I’m tracking your movement there,”[/b] He nodded to Alaska [b]“Meet up in the small Hangar where you were dropped off, We’ll be there”[/b] He quickly jumped out the co-pilot’s seat and to where he had left his satchel of medical supplies, He picked them up and prepared all his equipment, in case there was any last minute injuries. He then went up to the machine gun spinning it up. [b]“I’m ready when you are Alaska”[/b]