Scout was having a great time in the lake. The laughter from his friends was like music to his ears. Diving under the water, Scout looked up to the sky staring at the distorted sun shine on his friends content faces. Soon after his own face was smacked by a fish. Panicked he thrashed around until he had surfaced. By instinct he had grabbed onto the nearest body and hugged it, that body belonged to Griffith. He held his head close to his chest before realizing he was a guy. He started to blush and backed away. "Uh, sorry..." Quickly Scout had though up an excuse. "You see I was smacked in the face by a fish and that caused a defense mechanism to trigger called regression which made me do actions a baby would do so I held onto to you like a would my mother to feel safe... I'm not a pervert!" Scout had said this very fast until the end so that it had made it clear he wasn't being weird.