The knightly vampire with the long black hair was close now, as close as another human might have gotten to Martin in a casual conversation. An unnerving coolness encircled the vampire, and the air around him felt similar to the chill of putting a bare hand near snow. Mithias took note of the human's strange disregard for his own safety, his enthusiasm for conversation, as if the value of what he had to say would protect him from sudden dispatch. The lad seemed content, as if dying really wouldn't set him back any, and that he was glad to finally get a chance to make his offer. Martin's comfort around Mithias seemed to neglect that fact that they weren't brothers, and for the moment, Mithias also neglected that fact. More sounds from the stone halls disturbed the acute senses of the vampire. A flicker of light, heat, the growing scent of smoke also deserved attention. Bedivere was going to be furious. Several vampire servants swiftly moved into the hall to try to deal with the problem before Bedivere had them cut off their own heads. Mithias decided it was time to step in. With a glance toward the disturbance, he said to Martin, "No, but you have some audacity attempting to take that blade. It would likely kill you as soon as you touched it. Now, come with me. You can tell me who's thrall you are and about the Exile Stone while I deal with the other intruder." Mithias began walking down the hall, expecting Martin to follow. The two got closer to the scene of the crime in time to have completely missed all the action. Some vampires were dead, and a serious fire had been started. Mithias reached out his hands toward the flames and calmed them. He passed through the hall slowly, one flame at a time, putting them all out. Servants were scrambling with water and fire extinguishers. Hank's pack was found, what remained of it. Mithias tilted his head and continued outside where he could see some dude running off. The thought to pursue him crossed the young vampire's mind, but he still had Martin to deal with.