[center][img]http://api.ning.com/files/0B5a*k9l18aY24HPO1Wu7ywhsurjPySEB68EASEePDM*7-UeIYv8fQrDP0QFaGlN29yVBZikxGcj94QIOBSJlFwo267bjHTV/ranger02_by_rodimus25d2xdav0.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Vaynce the Hunter. [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. [b]Your job:[/b] Beast/Bounty Hunter [b]You have weapons?:[/b] Yes; Two large, light-weight, sleek crossbows, fitted with razor-sharp steel bolts; The abundance of crossbow bolts being holstered on both of his shoulders, while the two crossbows are on his hips. A razor-sharp steel blade is holstered on the back of his waist. [b]Other things:[/b] He's here to explore and hunt any dangerous, powerful beasts, for their heads; it's for his Trophy Hall. And, to slay any dangerous people...for their heads; it's for the bounties. Cold, fierce, and endlessly determined, Vaynce is an intelligent and dangerous young man with perfect accuracy and a strong body. Don't get on his bad-side.