[b][u][color=f49ac2][center][h3]Kitty Lee[/h3][/center][/color][/u][/b] Graham stumbled back and fell, much to Kitty’s horror. Ooooh boy. Yeah, she really did have to get those magical teleporting power-y thingies under control, huh? But he looked okay, so she didn’t worry too much. [color=f7941d]“I’ve gotta spread my wings and fly, chica. There’s a whole lotta world out there and only so much Graham to go around, y’know?”[/color] he said. Kitty nodded, wide-eyed. That was deep. Real deep, actually. Then he coughed a little, and added, [color=f7941d]“I uh...couldn’t see. Back there. Too many Talls in the way.”[/color] He looked embarrassed. Kitty giggled. [color=f49ac2]“Boo, hiss! Down with the Talls!”[/color] she said. What? She was even shorter than Graham was, she had the right to joke about tall people too! [color=f49ac2]“Don’t worry, Graham, we’ll be the ones in charge soon enough!”[/color] But… wait, roommates!! The first roommate group was her, Alexis and Aspen. Kitty bounced on her heels, thrilled to pieces. Could she have asked for anything [i]better[/i]? The two girls she’d already made friends with, and they were both going to be in her room! She was so excited that she almost missed the rest of the announcements. Anastasia and Olivia was the next pair. Anastasia was the skyscraper girl, she remembered, but who was Olivia? She didn’t remember meeting an Olivia. But never mind—she’d find out eventually, wouldn’t she? Also, who on God’s green earth was [i]Deia?[/i] Wait, was that… wheelchair girl? Then… Cheol and Paulo Ray? She scrunched up her face, trying to think. Paulo Ray, Paulo Ray… wait, she knew him! He was the one who’d initially helped her out on the train, wasn’t he? Well, Cheol was clearly in good hands, then! Afterwards, Graham and Scorpi-something. Scorpion? Graham and Scorpion. Sounded… kind of dangerous. Would Graham be okay? Wait, hadn’t she heard them talking earlier? And then… Sam Damon, and Jack Kyle. She thought she’d heard their names before, but it had been a while ago. She [i]thought[/i] she remembered something about a plunging neckline, but… maybe she was just delusional? She [i]had[/i] been in a lot of pain at the time, after all. And then— Hey, what the heck? What was up with poor Cheol?! Kitty had missed… whatever had happened, but that was definitely Cheol being carried away by Mr. Dorian. Oooh. Was he okay? It looked like a visitation was in order! A quick glance to the side confirmed that Graham seemed to be having similar thoughts. And then she was promptly deafened. [color=f7941d]“SCORPIOS, TO ME! TO ME, SCORPIOS!”[/color] said Graham. [color=f7941d]“¡Ándale, boyo!”[/color] Anda-what now? Was it like, foreign language day or something? That was Spanish, right? Well, if so, was [i]she[/i] supposed to say something in a different language? All she could really speak other than English was Chinese, so… [color=f49ac2]“对不起,我不懂!” [/color]she told Graham cheerily, and then giggled. Well, anyway, time to go drift back over to Alexis and Aspen! If they were all going to fight to the death for a good room, then it would be best to all stick together! [color=f49ac2]"Seeya. I'm heading over to Alexis and Aspen, m'kay?"[/color] And then she promptly teleported away. This time her landing was a whole lot better! Or, at least… she didn't come [i]nearly[/i] as close to landing on someone. Which was a good thing. She materialised right in front of Aspen and Alexis and Anastasia, humming happily to herself. [color=f49ac2]"We're rooming together!" [/color]she enthused. [color=f49ac2]"Isn't this great? Wait, wait, let's go find the best room!"[/color] She [i]could[/i] try to teleport all three of them… but that would be kind of hard. Teleporting more than one person was always kind of challenging. It was only then that it struck her that Graham had never actually explained to her why exactly he wanted to speak to her alone… but no matter! She was sure he had good intentions, right? Also, they definitely [i]had[/i] to get a room with good wifi. Because… reasons.