The black figure charged out of the city under the cover of night. Only a vampire's senses could have followed it. Up into the mountains it went, swiftly, leaping occasionally from ledge to ledge until it came the backside of a gorge. At the top, in the midst of trees could be seen a small mansion. It wasn't far from the city, but this was its back entrance, halfway down the ravine, behind a waterfall. The black figure finally slowed down enough to see what it was, and it stopped in front of a small cave behind the falling water. The moonlight made a mystical rainbow in the mist of the waterfall in the night air. The figure had on a long back jacket, boots, long, beautiful shining hair, and two sword blades sticking out from under the coat. In it's white hand, it beheld its stolen treasure, gazing at it with a slow breath, as if it were almost afraid of the box. What was inside? Suddenly the vampire spun around, covering the box and glancing frantically around as if it had heard someone. "So powerful... even in death your spirit lives." He moved off into the cave, where there was a hidden, metal door. The door closed with a dull echo, and the vampire thief was for the moment, gone.