[center][h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/3iZyX0w.png[/img][/h1] [hr][color=teal][b]GM:[/b] [@NuttsnBolts][/color] [color=teal][b]Co-GM:[/b] [@Daxam][/color] [b][color=f26522]This Roleplay is Full. We are [u]NOT[/u] accepting any Applications.[/color][/b][/center][hr][h2][color=teal][b]Synopsis:[/b][/color][/h2] [list][*]This is a modern day sci-fi Roleplay that takes places across two planes of existence. The real world and a mirrored, digital world known as 'The Hack'. [*]People discovered The Hack through the internet and soon learnt that they were able to access this cyber world by logging into it under a chosen alias name. Once logged in their consciousness would be imported from the modern world to The Hack, leaving their body in the same position it was in until they left the virtual world and regained their consciousness. [*]At the same time that The Hack was first discovered people began to notice many devices were going a bit haywire with some gaining an almost self awareness state, purposely logging people out of important systems, or moving machinery without a user input. [*]These interferences are caused by Malicious Programs (MPs) within the digital world and they became a threat that has to be removed. In order to do so these MPs must be drawn out into the real world where they would follow the rules of nature, ie: if destroyed would remain erased for good. Those MPs fought within The Hack would only be temporarily destroyed where they would soon rewrite themselves, reappear, and cause the same havoc that they did before. [*]Those that entered The Hack were able to gain special abilities or summon unique weapons in order to fight these MPs. When they return to the real world to eliminate the threat these people are able to use their smart phones to summon their abilities or weapons to finish off the job. [*]Any user that enters The Hack can only do so for a limited period of time and this is based on how powerful the device is. For example, a computer user can enter for a longer period of time when compared to a smart phone user, however if a situation arises, a smart phone may be your only option. [*]Some inspirations for this Roleplay include sources like Bleach, The Matrix, Tron, Inception, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Persona 4.[/list][h2][color=teal][b]Important Character/Plot Info:[/b][/color][/h2] For this RP we are starting right at the very beginning when everyone's character was first made aware of 'The Hack'. This means that everyone's abilities and weapons will be new to them or at a reduced state until they can learn how to control or upgrade them. They [b]'will'[/b] be inexperienced in their skills. A few ways to approach this would be like a level up system, or each of the character's skills have to be found within The Hack. This is only so that each character doesn't start off as a powerhouse, but evolves naturally as the Roleplay moves along. As for the story it will be fairly limited as it will be more of a story about your characters interaction within the world and their personal lives. This is mostly to prevent people running out of ideas or being forced to play into a set path that they may not wish to go down. So there will be no mysterious organisations, no major plot twists, no over arching villains. It's a story about survival and trying to set the world right. In saying that if you have any ideas feel free to express them and we can look into it. With characters please be creative with them but do not go overboard with their abilities. I would also refrain from making every person a programming genius or a nerdy kid at school. These are people who stumbled across The Hack by random, not selected. They also have their regular lives to live so not every moment will be spent fighting Malicious Programs. We are also going to start off with a relatively small group of people so that's it's easier for us to manage and we can generate post a lot quicker. Because of this there will be limited positions and we will be going over the character sheets in details to ensure that we select the right people for the RP. [h2][color=teal][b]Quick References:[/b][/color][/h2] A list of details that people may wish to refer back to:[list][*][b]Westbay:[/b] The location in which this Roleplay is set. This is to make it easier for people to meet up rather than live all across the globe. [*][b]Hack Live:[/b] A message board similar to a chat box where users can keep in contact with each other in case of emergencies. [*][b]Malicious Programs:[/b] Also known as MPs, these can come in the form of Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Hijackers, etc. Each type will have it's own special abilities and appearances. [hider=Examples of MPs] [img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2013/03/character02bladewolf.png[/img] [img]http://www.the-tantrum-project.de/Spider2008/web02.jpg[/img] [img]http://cdn.designbeep.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/9.photo-manipulation.jpg[/img][/hider] [/list] [hr][b][color=f26522]This Roleplay is Full. We are [u]NOT[/u] accepting any Applications.[/color][/b]