[color=teal][b]Name:[/b][/color] Akio Kagome [color=teal][b]Online Alias:[/b][/color] Rawr_Pwr [color=teal][b]Gender/Age:[/b][/color] Male, 23 [color=teal][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gj6hh3V.jpg[/img] Most of the time Akio is dressed in smart casual clothing and is aware of his presentation. He has a set of black rim glasses that match his hair colour as his vision isn't quite perfect. [color=teal][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Akio is an only child who is still living with his mother. He doesn't have many memories of his father as his two parents separated when he was a child. This allowed him to have a very close bond with his mother and he looks after her whenever possible. The two of them moved to Westbay several years ago to start up a fresh life and allow Akio to attend the College he got accepted into. When he's not at College he works at a general department store and during his free time he can be found relaxing in his room with his laptop while listening to an assorted array of music. [color=teal][b]Weapons/Abilities:[/b][/color] A set of Dual Cannons that attatch under Akio's forearm. They are coated in a very high gloss black with red lighting to indicate when the units are active and ready to use. The units appear to digitise from a set of Knucklebusters like handles that he holds within his grasp. [img]http://i.imgur.com/zwI0W8T.png[/img] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Akio gains the ability to use these fast firing cannons. Each cannon can fire off a rocket at a designated target. They do have a slight homing effect similar to how a ball curves when kicked. His glasses also appear to gain a minimal HUD which will display information on some of his surroundings as well as his cannons. [b]Tier 2:[/b] By firing a blank, the dual cannons can be used as a small rocket booster which gives Akio a burst of speed, allowing him to perform a quick dashes or a high, bounding leap. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Akio can perform a charge shot that fires off a giant twin laser. This will overheat the machine and render it unusable until it has cooled down. Although not long, this will leave him almost defenceless for a short while. The Dual Cannons only upgrade when Akio has found the data node within The Hack that will physically allow their upgrade. He must plug the firing end of the cannons into the node and wait for the software to be upgraded. Time will vary between the second and third tier with the later taking much longer.