Fuuuuu- I really don't feel like doing it right now and I feel like I won't feel like doing it for a while so I may as well just tell you. The big plot twist is that the king's brother and the king's dad died when they prophesized the world was going to end because it was too intense. His dad was the first, and his brother died in Luka's village when he was telling people Luka was going to cause the apocalypse. But as his brother died, he spat out another prophecy which said that someone who was immortal, extremely sad and ruled the world as well as heaven and hell would be able to stop him. So the king guy was going to be immortal, ruler of heaven, earth and hell and he would try to stop Luka from eating the world but it wasn't going to work out because he's not immortal. I was going to have it he hands his crown over to Artemis so he can stop Luka from eating the world, and much feels happens in the end of it. But it's going to take a while to write and I'm really not feeling it