[h1]Three Arcs Begins![/h1] (I have to control your OCs to move on) [u]Ten Minutes Ago[/u] Convoluted by the current situation, Ria decided to let Taiki handle Marcus to interrogate him and for once earn legit information instead of hoaxes in which Marcus is so sly at, he is good in lying and making the interrogation nowhere. Such as N - AG 69's effects, a false claim made by Marcus that it would kill the female level 5 in 24 hours but the truth is that it will kill her after three days. The serum is made of liquid metal, silver which is condensed with poison and having the effect of severe loss of AIM control, physical strain, and blood loss. Normally it would work on Esper who are at lower levels but for a level 5, the effects are slower. Ria took her friend Yuki with her to Mocha Dreams and rendezvous with a friend who is none other than Kaori and they arrived faster thanks to Kaori's warp ability. Yuki finds himself in a situation to where he is dressed up as a girl, depicted as an employee of Mocha Dreams Cafe. The disguise is simple, Yuki is wearing a calculation assistance device or rather a similar device to it because it is still powered by Misaka Network, it is a voice modulator device that doesn't look like one for it appears as a mere choker. [i]Ten Minutes Over[/i] [@Styrgwyr], [@Hebigami Shiho] The reason why Mocha Dreams employee are wearing such alluring outfits, is because Ria won the bet she had with Kotori a month ago. She told the so called new employee; Takahatsu Yukina, a pseudonym used by her friend Takahatsu Noboyuki who is now disguised as a Mocha Dreams' employee. Ria in her Mocha Dreams' outfit groped Kotori's breasts and whispered at her ear, saying it's going to be fine. She not only greeted her fellow classmates, Kirima Sasaki and Nishikara Kei but at the same time she gave the boys a good view of pleasure by groping Kotori in front of them. The cafe started getting dropped in temperature which is very common and it is Ria's style of attracting customers, especially the fact that the weather today is becoming warmer and warmer as the season summer is near. Ria got every customer to sit at their seats because Ria formation is happening; an ice floor is summoned, Mocha Dreams Employee are to wear their ice skating shoes and serve the customers in Style, Ria on the other hand need not wear the shoes because she can just create ice skate shoes from her ice abilities. In this formation, the happy 7 best selling flavors of Mocha Dreams are always served in Spring be it cold or hot. [@Feisty Pants] Ria sits next to her upperclassman, Sasaki and classmate Kei. The ice floor is meant for Mocha Dreams employees to skate on and serve with love, care and serve faster. She talks to Kei and Sasaki about Nishikara Mei and her kidnapped sister. [color=0054a6][b]"I know this isn't the perfect time and I need your cooperation as much as I don't like it."[/b][/color] Knowing the state of herself and anything related Marcus, Ria have to act with less pride and be more open with the situation in order not to make it worst. [color=0054a6][b]"Kei, you're cousin's kidnapped. Do you know whereabouts to where I can find clues? Sasaki-senpai, I know that you know more about Skill-Out, please tell me everything you know and I heard something about idiotic pervert clowns everywhere, it's not like they are part of the Yakuza. Please tell me quick"[/b][/color] With her usual cold expression, Ria waits for their reply. [i]"Not like I care about Kiyoshi and Kenobi-sensei's concern, I already know they're gonna punish me for this but I beg to differ, I can't just stay still and do nothing. It's not like I wanna help the girl anyway but....[/i] [b]Trivia:[/b] -Ria lives in a secluded apartment near the former level 5, Accelerator. -Ria Formation serves as a faster way of Mocha Dreams to serve their customers in style. -Mocha Dreams Employees constantly change outfits. -Mocha Dreams product are engineered by Archa Ach Tung Tung, a 30 year old Chinese Engineer of food related stuff. He is the founder of Mocha Dreams. [hr] [u]Inazuma Taiga[/u] Hybrid Academy On the way to the Teacher's Lounge. [img]http://media.tumblr.com/86abf799dffb23d3450b9ba6e1ec0a3f/tumblr_inline_mnqviela4C1qz4rgp.png[/img] Now part of the Newspaper Club; Taiga earned the title of Gossip Girl because of her consistent and no end of dwelling into people's personal space. [b]"Dylan-san. Stella-sensei and Anti-Skill wants to see you. Hurry up don't need to waste time, I touch your balls."[/b] She winked. Taiga has been annoying a lot of people lately; especially Ria and Dylan whom she both sexually harasses. All along, Dylan is fooled by a hologram of Stella sensei. She grabbed his hand, and troll with Akira and Tsumiki. Who knew that there is a person as annoying as Yagami Kaori. [b]"TsunTsunmiki-chan!, Akittan!"[/b] She glomps them both. [b]"The teachers wants to see us!"[/b] To make things worst, Kaori is temporary part of Judgement, she and Taiga have been working together and rounding up the students in one place, they even got Kazeno. [@ClocktowerEchos] The reason why they are all being good today yet naughty was due to Judgement Captain, Kinoshita-kun's orders. Stella is with Kae and Bagua-sensei right now discussing about a cult and people disappearing all over the place near Nagatenjouki District. She's also with Zentaro Ray, her number one hotdogger student. [@LokiLeo789], [@chukklehed], [@RaijinSlayer] [hr] [u]Kinoshita Toshiki[/u] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/9e3d903d7aabf522c2a3fe34dafbd1f3/tumblr_inline_njptidAFRh1s3iabo.png[/img] Thanks to the device that keeps his power in check, he can freely talk. [b]"Katamori-sensei. I'm sorry I have failed to convince Tsurara-san to withdraw from her dangerous pursuit against Skill-Out but it's not just that. Mishima-sensei is on her side as well, who knew he'd be an accomplice."[/b] The rest of his team is in his side. Kurogane Hajime [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/1/18405/455975-sket_dance_michiru_shinba_icon.jpg[/img] "I would have dated her but I guess a girl who is as cold as ice is also nice to date~!" Hajime and his nonsense. "I can't find Kiyoshi-sensei, it's not like I'm his son trying to get his attention nor I roll in both ways, that's b--." Toshiki shuts him up by controlling his mind. Mei has a flashback regarding Ria and her missing younger sister. [hider=Flashback][u]March 28[/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zZn5p.png[/img] [b]Nishikara Mei[/b] Pleading to her kouhai, the level 5 Absolute Zero, Tsurara Ria. "Please I'm begging you! Rescue my sister. I know I should report this to Judgement and the authorities but the casualties will be big." She exclaimed while crying. Ria with a pressured expression replied, "Mei-senpai. Why wouldn't you tell this about Judgement or anyone high in position, I'm sure they will get this done in no time." Mei quickly replied. "Akurans and Skill-Out have a bomb implanted in certain districts and they are probably watching our conversation now. If I tell Judgement or any high ranking official it is over, the bombs will go off. So please save Wendy!" It stops right there until...[/hider] [hr] Later. All students are gathered by the trouble-maker team who are under the authority of Judgement are all in the auditorium. (Everyone must be here, including teachers) Anti Skill are also there. [h3]Anti-Skill Chief- Yomikawa Aiho[/h3] [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/9/112626.jpg[/img] A cameo of an old friend/character returns! "No time for introduction but an immediate action have to be done. According to news weather reports it is 15-20 degrees Celsius, humid and the chances of rain are 60%-40%. It is going to be a bumpy ride if we don't take immediate action. Anti-Skill, Judgement and any volunteer student will be participating in this operation." [b]Yomikawa's Message:[/b] [b]The Black Mage, Haruna Arc[/b] [u]Synopsis(Open)[/u] It might take a while but its been mandatory for the past three weeks. That's 11 hour shifts, by religious group of cults thus a tiring work by kidnapping Espers. Rumor has it that Espers are killed because of heresy and atrocious ways of thinking by cult. For they believe that these people are offering to revive a Black Mage, Haruna. Selected members of Judgement in every district are assigned to investigate the Nagatenjouki District. It is an undercover task as suspiciously believed that Nagatenjouki are linked with the disappearance of these people. [b]Unnatural Arc[/b] [u]Synopsis(Open)[/u] It is believed that every night. Some people who are at District 21, the mountains have been disappearing. Based on reports, it is said that vampires are the cause of the disappearance. With all the mysterious disappearance occurring at the three fronts. Could these events be connected? Will our heroes unravel the mysteries behind it? A man from the shadows looks at a flat crystal HD like TV. _________________________ "We will be splitting in groups in different districts, that is a job for Anti-Skill. One Judgement be it Esper or Magician are with Anti-Skill otherwise make it evened out. Dr. Lin, we need you on the cult mission." Later on the teams will be send into their respective places. [hr] [b]Separate Events happening at the same time...[/b] The followers of the Black Saint, Haruna known as cult named Advent. A man dressed as a priest chants while "purifying" his victims in a Church. [h3]Advent Priest(Member)- Min Sung Ling[/h3] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeiFnxlFkq-IU5Yx_qp8vPBP0UXxGIrfqdl9PguNnPtN96olJw[/img] This man is a devoted Priest of Advent, the cult and fanatics of Haruna the Black Saint. He performs sinister exorcism on his victims especially Espers. Advent is a cult that originated from Europe. Worshipers of all twisted things especially the Black Mage, Haruna. [color=ed1c24]"I know that my redeemer lives and that he will stand upon the earth...And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh, I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes, I and not another, how my heart yearns within me. AMEN."[/color] After a brief of silence, screaming agony of a sudden killed the people rounded up in the black room. Blood spilled everywhere.[color=ed1c24] "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Rejoice! Rejoice! Your sacrifices are all to the Black Saint, Haruna. [h3]ALL HAIL HARUNA[/h3]"[/color] He himself rejoices in the presence of blood and moniker, Black Saint Haruna whom this cult is trying to revive. The following members of Advent said the same. [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/polls/964000/964157_1330521130340_full.jpg]Advent- Beeber[/url] Proclaims to be the judgement of their moniker, Beeber has the power to control bees. The magic of Beeber is [b]Aculeus69.[/b] Which means Bug Demon. F.Y.I this kid is a boy. His name is Richard aka Rica. [h3]"All Hail Haruna!"[/h3] [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/2853ad043313b141a28a28a3e288d2d2/tumblr_mpwx8bxslJ1r8s2v6o1_500.png]Advent Member- Anaconda[/url] "Thy serpent sly and opportunistic thy deceit fell upon Adam and Eve. [h3]All Hail Haruna![/h3]" This woman's name is Anaconda, one of the high ranking followers of Haruna. Her magic is Angustio733, constriction of the snake. Her nickname is Nicki but her real name is Obama Barako. "All Hail Haruna!" Says Gagita the worshiper. "All Hail Haruna!" Says Yeezus one of the high ranking members of Advent. "All Hail Haruna!" Says Wrecking Ball the Manslayer. A few victims from Hybrid Academy are identified as Otonashi Shizuka, Matsuda Seiji, Lovejoy Daphne and a few Amakusa Church members. "In the name of Nishihara Keimaru! You cultist will receive the wrath of God, you ar---" The member of the Amakusa Church was beheaded by the Evil Priest. To be noted that the students of Hybrid Academy are still alive and some of the hostages as well. [b]Meanwhile in the Unnatural Arc[/b] [hider=A Man sitting on his throne][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/56/58/97/56589790f60f449c548527ff7f2c7a7a.jpg[/img][[/hider] [h3]Vampire Lord- Vlad Damian[/h3] Referred to as the descendants of Cain, the brother of Abel and son of Adam and Eve, who was forced to wander the earth as punishment for the murder of his brother. These are vampires! "Vlad Damian distastes filthy human blood. I desire feisty blood that causes pants to bleed like virgin ladies. It won't be [h3]l[/h3]ong before the [h3]m[/h3]agnificent meal of [h3]h[/h3]arvest takes place, isn't that right my children." A hidden and symbolic message drawn by their "father" is scored definite with those words engraved into their minds.