[center][h2]A Memory's Unexpected Visit[/h2] [h3]Location: Loom, Masha's penthouse Time: Mid-Afternoon[/h3][/center] Driving always soothed Darius. Most believed what he loved most was the neck break speed or the simple control at the slightest shift he made with the wheel, but they would've all been completely wrong. His greatest love in the experience was much simpler. Whenever he drove along the wounding, black streets, the car darting in and out like an extension of himself with ease, it gave the comforting illusion one was running away. That he was leaving all his responsibilities and problems, from Kenan's dirty political ways to the recent doom looming over his head, in the dust. Nothing mattered in this split second game built by risk and death's possibility. It didn't when he first started out on the surface. His paw tightened on the wheel as his foot pressed deeper into the pedal, early flooring it completely. For a moment, his eyes darted to speed diameter. 50...55...60...65 and number just kept going up. Darius smiled at the increasing speed and pulled his eyes up in time to see a truck in front of him, his front coming dangerous close to colliding with it. Thinking in a split second, he jerked the wheel abruptly to the right causing the car to drift sideways. It rattled only slightly, added to the kistune sense of control and freedom, both he rarely felt, while he pressed his foot harder on the gas to pull pass the barreling deliver truck. The image on the side a blur from the speed lines, a vomited mass of color and smears to his vision's corner. Just like the cars, peoples, and ever towering buildings flashing by in his city's surroundings. Every single one of them seemed blissfully unaware that in the days ahead, their world might very well come altogether to an end. Darius bitterly mused over how easily the unseen was forgotten in favor of moving forward in their lives. Inwardly he reflected on the current news about Inaniae and Kenan, more specifically the way the two seemed be absolutely nesscary to provide a healthy world. He let out a soft scoff at feeling empathy toward those under his iron paw's rule. It pressed at his attention much like his own paw did ever continually on the mafia bosses, gangs leaders and rival heads throats, holding so tightly that moving too far would've likely struggled them. The world might've known the Academy as an force that kept peace, but in Kenan, that little fact was far from truthful. On the outside and in public, the world wanted to brush aside the immoral. Which including Darius and his ilk, sweeping all the crime, death and more aside to create a paradise. The fox's jawline tightened at the thought and fought not to scoff at it when he jerked to the left, all the streets' curves and more surfacing from memories. While they claimed differently, he knew none of the races would ever fully accept such a world as being real. It would only take time until chaos took root and threatened, like always, to rip apart the world at the seams. This small, real fact was why Kenan didn't follow rules dictated by the Academy. To properly thrive and live in reality, a stain on the perfect surface was needed. Other than Szayeis, who would've ever predicted Inaniae's threat would one day come to undo everything so soon? In the passenger seat, a mew sudden broke out when the cargo he had been transporting stirred. Clawing and rustling sounds started to disrupt the basket, securely fastened by the seat belt as one small, white furred head popped out. An [url=http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/images/classifieds/2013/05/16/306434/large/silver-spotted-egyptian-mau-kittens-519549540ba31.jpg]Egyptian Mau[/url], pure silvery coat covered in a spotted black pattern, push and peered through the blanket covering her. In moment she fixed him with a bright eyed stare. Silently, Darius reached his hand over then flopped the cover back over the small kitten's head. Forced to duck down, she made a protesting meow and rustled the basket in her landing. Cause and effect demanded consequences, the result clear when it seemed her fall had jarred the others from their nap. New cries began, followed by two more kittens popping their heads out. Shortly on seeing somewhere new, they started to struggle with the steep edges and began to pull out. Sheer luck had it when Darius had just arrived to Masha's current residence. Wasting little time, he didn't stop to admire the view. Instead he shut down the Bentley and turned to retrieve the single rose, spotting in time one of the small, fiendishly curious animals managing to overcome the steep basket edges with his claws. Wobbling in his grogginess, the brazen thing started to sniff the fox's extended fingers causing him to focus on the cheeky thing. It wouldn't be long before the others would've copied the first's success as Darius' hand scooped the kittens, cupping its belly, then plopped it quickly back into the makeshift pen. He took the handles firmly and made his exit with the rose placed in his right index finger. Using his telekinesis, the car door slammed shut in his wake while he casually strolled to the door where he promptly knocked. He was very much aware Masha preferred to sleep until the dusk hour, but he also knew she would've been nettled (mildly put) if he left the kittens without food for much longer. It didn't help the kittens were purchased recently from an employee, one who was unfortunate enough to be devoured in the recent events.