Martin meekly followed the calm figure with measured step. If onlookers drew the conclusion he was his thrall he would be all the more likely to slip past their notice. "Handling the artifact is the least of my worries. As for whose thrall I am. As far as I know I am a free mortal, but I do wo-" Martin fell silent as he witnessed the diminishing flames. With feylike enthousiasm he rushed forward and studied the fire. "Could it be? Pyrokinetic mutations in a nosferatu strain? There wasn't any note like this in your file!" It seemed like Martin had completely forgotten his reasons to be there. "You aren't of dracul's line are you? How does it work? Do you cathalyse the chemical process? Or can you influence temperatures on a local scale? That would imply you can simulate the sun and..." Martin was visably following a train of thought. "Then I am talking to one of the most powerfull vampires to date." Martin bowed again. "Clearly they were right to decide on a trade mission rather than burst in guns blazing. Chances are the vapalm wouldn't even... Oh right! The Exile Stone!" Martin rambled as he absentmindedly helped douse the fire and picked up Hank's backpak. "So. Many years ago an agent aquired this stone tablet while on an undercover mission. I know very little of it's origin other than the file explaining these runes read something in an ancient indonesian dialect. It apparently has something to do with punishment and exile from the face of god. Or the sun. Suspected this is about a solar deity." Martin rummaged through the bag. "I smell gunpowder and several days old vampire blood. That's a classic hunter you got there. Self tought by the looks of it. His motives likely justified. He'll be back here in a minute no doubt... oh, the stone yes. Apparently there have been attempts to replicate it's mystical effects. For science of course. And I have been given custody of the successful result for barter. You'll like it. It's lethal curse is predicted to have empowering effect on unlife." While he spoke rapidly and seemingly carelessly he circled the old creature like a pet would. His real reason for this movement was to have as much cover from the imposing figure and shadows. Hunters had the tendency to be unpredictable, and after all this trouble, it would be a shame to end it all on a stray bullet from a human shooting into the darkness.