As the inmates filled in, a looming shadow blocked the doorway. A moment later emerged a large man, considerably larger than most of the rest. He also looked much older, a passing effect created by the short dark gray hair on his head and the weariness in his eyes. He obviously lacked sleep, and maybe other things. The effect was broken for anyone looking at his square face - it was almost beaming innocence. And regret. After walking through, he immediately shuffled to the side, to prevent himself from blocking the way for the others. He seemed to be aware of his size, and in full control of his body. Despite his impressive width, his jail uniform was even larger, hanging like a drape from his shoulders. His eyes scanned the room. He was not looking at the other inmates - more at the guards and the furnishing of the room. He cringed when his eyes took in the expansive buffet - his first thought was that he did not deserve this. His second was that they probably wanted something from him. A sacrifice that was supposedly worth this kindness, and of course his new-found freedom. Truth be told, he wasn't hungry. His head was swimming a little. He hadn't had much sleep and almost no food in the last week. As the other guards, the non-military ones, guided him out of his cell a few days ago, he pushed lightly against the cell door. The bars were hard as iron, at least as hard as iron [i]should be[/i]. His power was lost, and his hope it was temporary was above all other thoughts. Indeed, he wasn't hungry, for food that is. He instinctively searched for anything metallic in the room.