[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iqpIvmW.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Luca Petulengro [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality: [/b]Heterosexual [b]Nationality:[/b] Roma/German/Mixed [b]Species:[/b] Unsuspecting human [b]Occupation:[/b] Head priest and owner of a small Catholic [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HZ5zOfLthuU/T8fxQr1XQdI/AAAAAAAAELI/P4i79lZ2_fw/s1600/GlenCove+002.JPG]church[/url]. [b]Personality:[/b] Luca is a gentle man. He loves people. His passion for helping others and his need to share the light of God often combine. He can be found working at homeless shelters on Saturdays, passing out soup and kind words. He lives at his church, along with anyone else who needs a place to stay. His personality is humble and kind. He can be taken at face value, hiding no secret agendas or lies. Luca is very much the man he appears to be. He couldn't tell a lie if he wanted to. He has no opinion on the werewolf/hunter war, mostly because he's unaware of it. Even if he did know about the whole situation, he would likely remain neutral. [b]Other:[/b] The church was passed to him by the former priest, who had been something of a father figure to Luca. With it being a fairly small church, Luca is the only priest in the clergy. He holds morning sermons on Sunday and night sermons on Wednesday, where the doors are left open for anyone and dinner is served for free. He speaks with a soft German accept. Upon becoming a Catholic priest, Luca took a vow of celibacy. He has chosen to live a life of chastity and unmarriage, so that he would have no earthly distractions from God and his church. [b]Appearance:[/b] Luca is a very average man. He stands at 5'9" with dark brown hair, light tan skin, and brown eyes. He is of Roma and European decent, being a mix between the two. His clothes are very humble, consisting of dress pants or jeans on most days of the week and collared shirts. On Sunday and Wednesday, he dons the iconic priests' robes to preach. [b]History:[/b] Luca came from a hard beginning. His family was a group of Romani that traveled the European countrysides. When they came into town to sell and buy, they were often met with discrimination and hate. Most places put up with them until they left, but it was when they reached a small town in Germany that their band was met with brutal forces. The mayor of the town called the police on them, having them arrested and shipped from the country. Some of Luca's family fled, and some were captured and removed. But in the chaos, Luca was separated from them. At the tender age of 9, the boy was left to fend for himself. He quickly left the town that had attacked his family, afraid that they may hurt or even kill him. Luca wandered until he found a new, larger city to settle in. There, he lived on the streets until he was 15. A farmer approached him, offering him work in return for food and shelter. He had no intent on paying Luca, making the transaction completely illegal and slavery by definition. But Luca was desperate, so he agreed. Luca worked long days on the farm, doing anything asked of him until his body and muscles hurt. He lived in the barn and ate whatever leftovers were brought to him. Although he was no longer freezing to death or starving, he was still miserable. The farmhands took to mocking and tormenting him, calling him a dirty gypsy while he did their work. If Luca ever tried to defend himself, he was typically knocked around until he learned to keep his mouth shut. He endured for several years, until he was 18, when a couple of Christian missionaries happened to come to the farm. They saw the boy in such poor living conditions, and couldn't stand to leave him there. By this point, Luca had become so accustom to his loss of freedom that when the farmer refused to relinquish him to the missionaries, he didn't even fight it. It didn't occur to him that he didn't actually belong to the farmer and his awful workers. The missionaries went to the law. Police came to the farm and demanded that Luca be set free, eventually arresting the farmer for unlawful imprisonment and treatment of his employee. After speaking with the boy, the missionaries convince Luca to come back to America with them, where he wouldn't face such cruelty and discrimination. They brought him to the church, where he learned to speak English and live like a real person. It took him a while to come out of his shell, but with gentle coaxing, Luca came to regard the clergy as his family. With the oldest priest's help, Luca studied to become a priest himself. He was passionate about helping those who lived on the streets, like he once had. His kindness and drive made him very well accepted as the new head priest when the elder passed.