The lone Moomba at the base, glared at all who approached. He was in a bad mood from being left behind, not that it could be helped this time. Some supports would be disgruntled by the Moomba taking a spot on the mission. A small cry came out of Rue's mouth, similar to that of a sigh. Hearing the car in the distance, he could tell Xerox was coming back. Getting up, he walked over to the door. Greeted by his furry companion, Xerox hauled the massive heap of flesh known as Wiggs, with the help of other SeeDs. [color=aqua]"Come on Rue. I know your annoyed, but I've gotta get the others out too. Like Syrus and Freya."[/color] Xerox looked down a little solemnly. After hauling the dead and injured, Xerox set down to relax, and think about the day. [i]I was right there, yet I couldn't do anything for Syrus. Damn it. Now there's only Eika, Kein and myself from Duncan's class. There were more of us who took that test. I wonder what will happen now[/i] He thought, while Rue left off some steam, complaining about being left behind. [color=aqua]"I'm sorry already, alright? Not like I had the authority to bring you along this time."[/color] Xerox apologized. [color=aqua]"I'll be sure you can come next time alright? Let's just relax now."[/color] [hr] After the Jake, the last of the assault team, arrived, Duncan gave his speech. It was incredibly short. Most people moped and muttered in complaint. Before going ahead with a drink to end their days. Given the time, Rue was tired and went to sleep earlier than Xerox. Looking for Eika and Duncan, to have a small celebration for Eika's return and recovery, and take their mind off the mission, Xerox found the bald, well built, man who helped carry Wiggs, [i]Ramsis was it?[/i] Not ever having spoken to him, Xerox was not actually sure of his name. It seemed he had just returned from outside, with a bottle of whiskey in hand. [color=aqua]"Yo."[/color] Xerox lifted his hand in greeting, not quite waving. He wanted to find Duncan and Eika, but since he couldn't find them, he decided to socialize a bit. [i]I should see them around soon enough, unless they are doing what Kein and Ms. Ono are doing.[/i] Either way, he had nothing else to do. [color=aqua]"Ah, whiskey. Good stuff, although it burns going down. How about a drink? Want to try some of this?"[/color] Xerox's hand that was lifted turned palm up. Dropping down from almost nothingness, into his hand, was a bottle of Whiskey. A famous brand of Whiskey, well known for it's kick and smoothness.