Emily was a bit shaken by the captain's outburst, and was visibly quivering a little. [i]It's okay, it's okay. He's not going to beat you. You just have to follow your orders,[/i] she told herself, quivering continuing. She was a neural networks operator, she shouldn't be getting into the shit she is with the captain. To distract herself, she began searching through the Admin Deck to find out what Jacqueline had wanted to know. "W-We have," She begins, "We have four light dropships, one of them disassembled, only one of them fueled, but the others can be fueled up relatively quickly. We have one heavy dropship, not fueled but once again easy to fuel. We also have twenty interceptors, as well as five bombers. The bombers carry standard payload bombs, but we also have a payload of napalm and cluster we can deliver. Armour is light on the attack craft, obviously, or they'd just drop out of the air." Emily's voice was shaky, still a bit scared of the captain.