[color=00FFFF][h1]Brian Savior[/h1][/color] the sudden change in Attitude was pretty sudden, the anger subsided and left, [color=00FFFF][b]well uh..thanks very much[/b][/color] He thanked the two people, he didn't exactly know what to say about the Captain. He had this Aching feeling that He would cause something bad to happen. really bad. Brian decided to sit down on a wooden crate that looked like a Cinder block or two was thrown at it...or a hundred. The Metal person's Speech was still in Brians head. for once he was going to save lives..instead of dreaming about it. but that captain..he was going to do the opposite. [color=00FFFF][b]Something about the captain scares me. he looks like he's fresh out of College[/b][/color] He added, He really didn't trust the captain.