[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/hUJbxbh.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=9e005d][centre][h1]Madison "Mad" Flaherty[/h1][/centre] [/color] Age: 16 Year: 6th House: Ravenclaw Classes taken: -Divination- -Herbology- -Care of magical creatures- -DADA- -Alchemy- -Ancient runes- Short bio: Madison grew up poor, raised by her single mother with two jobs. The conditions of their apartment was terrible and often times Madison was forced to go the night hungry. Despite this, however, she was a bubbly girl, full of energy. She always looked to people as a possible friend she could make and in response everyone was naturally drawn to her. She had no trouble finding the good in a situation despite everything. One night while Madison was sleeping, she was awoken by a loud thumping at the door to the apartment. Sitting up straight in her bed she stared at her door wondering if it had just been a figment of her imagination. After not hearing anything for a moment she started drifting back into the tendrils of sleep. And then suddenly there came another thump, this time louder. It was closely followed by a scratching sound, like claws running down a piece of wood. Once again Madison sat up and stared at the door, her heart thumped faster and faster. A muted shout came from behind the door, she sound of her moms voice. The terrifying sounds that had just occurred intensified. Her mother screamed and another loud thump could be heard reverberating through the walls. Madison shook under the threadbare blanket that covered her, still watching the door that protected her from whatever monster awaited on the other side. Slowly the handle creaked open. Ducking her head, Madison tucked her head under the blanket. The next thing she knew she was on her knees outside in the cold night. Before her was a large bonfire, with shadowed figures, some human, some not. On the other side of the fire was a truck with a man standing in the bed looking at her. Immediately adrenaline began to pump through her veins at an accelerated pace. Terrified she looked for a place to run, but could not find an opening in the circle of figures around the fire. She couldn't even stand due to the rope tying her hands and legs together. All she could do was sit there and stare in fear. The man on the truck stepped forward, standing on the edge of the truck bed. His head was covered in a hood that shrouded his face in shadows. His voice rolled out deep and angry, "We werewolves are the superior race! We are stronger, faster, deadlier! And yet these hunters, these meek humans have decimated us! They have forced us into hiding!" With every sentence the crowd cheered him on. "Last night a member of our pack was killed by these hunters and so, tonight, we take one of theirs and make them our own!" Everyone shouted and yelled out in excitement, the wolves prowling next to the men howled to the moon overhead. Launching himself from the truck bed, over the fire, the man landed in front of Madison. Immediately she recoiled as if shot. "P-p-please don't hurt me. I-I-I'm innocent." Now that he was closer Madison could see more of his face, just enough to see him smile and say, "None of us are innocent, not any more." With that he moved forward with lightening speed and turned her. Personality: Madison is a gentle girl. She loves people. Her passion for helping others and her need to share the light of the world often combine. Her personality is humble and kind. She can be taken at face value, hiding no secret agendas or lies. Madison is very much the girl she appears to be. She couldn't tell a lie if she wanted to. Wand: Birch wood, 15", phoenix feather core. Patronus: Unicorn Hobbies: Quidditch keeper; reading; rambling; studying; daydreaming. Pets: A snowy owl called Gowan. He's cute. Personal possessions: Usual school things, Quidditch through the ages, sneakoscope, Fanged Frisbee. Relationships: NPCs: N/A [b]Note:[/b]Madison is a werewolf. Which means she is amazing. And it means drama. Whoopee, drama time!