Let me know of any issues or stuff you would like me to change [hider=Taylor Sinclair] Appearance: [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/305/3/1/dia_de_los_muertos_by_flipfloppery-d84vzr7.png[/img] [i]If you don't not like what you're doing, you're doing something wrong[/i] [b]Name[/b]: Taylor Sinclair [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b]: Lemonade (It's a place holder for now) [b]Epithet[/b]: Dead Man [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Bounty[/b]: (Taylor has gotten up to some escapades, but he is so sporadic that they have been attributed to gossip and ghost stories so the Navy hasn’t placed a bounty on him) [b]Hometown[/b]: South Blue, Baterilla [b]Pirate Crew[/b]: [b]Role[/b]: Florist? [b]Abilities & Skills[/b]: Can garden, plan parties, do something that might be called fencing, cabinetry, lock picking (well a hammer is a lock pick by a different name). In addition Taylor is adept at a martial art called Candy-Fu. Techniques: “Choc-Ripple” uses techniques similar to fishman karate using the body’s water in inflicting damage. “Jawbreaker” the basic strike move in Candy-Fu can be used with any limb “Ginger Snap” as the name might imply it is a move made to snap bones. This must be struck with either an elbow or a knee. “Gum Drop” an axe kick designed to concuss an opponent with a blow to the head or neck. Stances: “Way of the Gummi Bear” a power stance to increase well... power! “Dance of the Gummi Worm” a grappling stance designed to incapacitate an opponent. [b]Equipment[/b]: An elegant falchion with a sapphire for a pommel and a basket hilt, mostly for show since he stole it and isn’t really that proficient. Taylor usually carries a bouquet of flowers; it’s a gimmick, a calling card and a gift for any lovely that passes by. [b]Personality[/b]: Lover of all women and hater of all stagnation and things that get in his way. Taylor believes himself unstoppable, not infallible, but surviving many near death scenarios has left him slightly deluded and believing he has some kind of divine guardian looking after him. [b]Biography[/b]: Taylor Sinclair was the youngest son of a funeral director and had a green thumb as a child, with a natural talent for making flowers and plants bloom. Taylor grew up with a healthy respect for the dead and when his parents passed he gave them the most beautiful funeral and although he himself came to be respected for supplying the beautiful flowers and services Taylor feared that he would live and die in this one place and fade into obscurity. Fearing this more than anything Taylor went into town and asked for a suit “good enough to die in” and secretly constructed a slightly large coffin and filled it with lots of colourful flowers, telling his father it was simply something to drum up customers. Then the night a storm hit Taylor dragged the coffin down to the docks, got dressed in his suit, painted his face like a skull and lay down in the coffin for the storm, deluding himself that if he survived such an ordeal that he simply must be more than human. When Taylor woke his coffin was being hauled out of the water by the navy. Not sure what he was doing Taylor closed his eyes and played dead. When the navy officers opened up the coffin and saw a ‘dead’ man surrounded by flowers they were confused, even more so when the dead man sat up and cracked to sailor’s heads together. Taylor made his way throughout the small ship and stumbled across a medical room with what must be said a truly lovely lady doctor. Still high on adrenaline and the fact that he survived a storm in a coffin Taylor ran up to the doctor as if to strike before falling to his knees and saying to the confused woman. “I know you are a saviour of life Miss Doctor, but we cannot be together! You see I have died and been reborn and as such am beyond what medicine can heal! No! We mustn’t! Our love cannot ever last, rendered apart as it is my the heavens! I would defy heaven for you my Princess, healer of my heart’s wounds, but I cannot linger since it is no longer just heaven that prevents us, but soon the law as well! Officer and outlaw! I cannot in good conscience put you in such a jeopardizing position that associating yourself with one such as me would place you.” The utterly bemused doctor made to talk, but Taylor was too far into his delusions “No, no, do not say a word, simply take this and remember me...” handing the fair maiden a red rose and sliding out of the room. From then on there was a tale in the South Blue, if you saw a floating coffin and took it aboard a white faced ghost, smelling of flowers, would emerge and all males would fall unconscious. [b]Theme Song[/b]: I’ll think of something, unless someone else thinks of a super good one! [b]Other[/b]: [/hider]