[center] [h3][color=662d91]~Abigail Blanchett~[/color][/h3] [b]"Whoa, I leave for a while and when I come back all hell has broken loose. What happened?"[/b] ...who was this guy? She vaguely remembered one of the new trainers almost getting eaten by their totodile back at the lab, but after that she didn't remember. Eh, not her problem. Although, he could have made more of an effort to keep up with them. Abigail was thoroughly uninterested in the boy anyways. She only cared about getting to Blackthorn. It'd be a good challenge for her and her pokemon. [color=00a651]"I...we...I-I think we should go to Cherrygrove!" [/color] Before she could fill Jackson in that they were going to Blackthorn, the timid girl, Peggy, spoke up and actually decided to say that she wanted to go to Cherry Grove. Abigail, almost laughed at the very thought of this timid looking girl actually speaking out against anyone. [color=00a651]"I-I m-mean, err, that it's closer a-and our Pokemon are p-probably tired already s-so we should go there, A-and I have f-f-family there, so t-they p-probably w-w-want to know I'm o-okay...So... I think we should..."[/color] Ooh, so she wanted to go see her family. That was why. She actually laughed at that, pretty loudly too. Why on earth, would you want to go see your family again so soon after leaving?! She couldn't understand it. She wasn't planning to go back to Olivine and see her dad until she at least had a few badges to show off. That, would be a feat she would be happy to show her dad. Ideally, she would go there last, but she doubted these losers would agree to it. Abigail ignored Melody's suggestion as she focused on Peggy. [color=662d91]"Wow, okay,"[/color] She said, getting her laughing under control as she walked over to Peggy, bending slightly so that her face was level with the other girls. Arceus, this girl was short. [color=662d91]"That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard."[/color] She continued with a smirk. [color=662d91]"So, what, are you a little mama's girl or something?"[/color] She asked, actually a little curious, though her snickering easily hid any curiosity in her voice. [color=662d91]"Ooh, no, I bet you're a daddy's girl, aren't you? You're out here on this adventure with some lame excuse like 'It'll be fun' or 'Because they wanted me too' or something, right?"[/color] Abigail paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing. [color=662d91]"I bet that you think you'll be a good trainer one of these days. Don't make me laugh, loser. You'll never be a decent trainer. You won't even be a good trainer! You can't even keep that mutt of yours under control for more than five seconds. So why don't you,"[/color] She said, pressing a finger onto the girls shoulder and giving her a little shove. "[color=662d91]Run on home to Cherrygrove and to daddy and mama before you get hurt out here, amateur, and let us big girls take care of things."[/color] Maybe she was being a bit harsh. Okay, she was probably being a bit harsh to the other girl, but she didn't care in the slightest. As far as she cared Peggy wouldn't be able to handle being a trainer. [/center]