[center][h2][color=blue]-Alexander Elric-[/color][/h2][/center] So, here they were. A group of young trainers who had just recieved their first Pokemon and had embarked on their journey to become the best like no one ever was... Or something like that. Alex didnt really try to socialize with the others, just remaining at the back of the group and observing them. Eevee had been out of his ball all the time and had been rolling in every mud puddle he could find... That's gonna be fun to clean up. Well, could be worse. He could have been attacking every Pokemon he encountered. That would have terrified Alex, if a Pokemon would be so psychotic as to attack everything... Let's just say that his uncle would have loved such types of Pokemon. Suddenly, Eevee cried out. Alex quickly ran to where the sound came from and didnt think about informing the group. As the cries came closer Alex could hear some squawking from some birds. This wasnt going to end well, was it? He pushed a branch out of his way and then saw Eevee on the ground, crying for help. The little pokemon was being pecked on by two Spearows. They didnt seem to notice Alex, as they were far too occupied with their helpless prey. Alex acted quickly; He broke the branch he was holding and charged the two Spearows with it, attempting to hit the bigger one. Before the Spearow had any idea what happened he got hit by the branch on it's beak. The smaller Spearow got starteled but was quick to recover. He was about to attack Alex when Eevee showved sand in it's face. It staggered back for a moment, trying to get the sand out of it's eyes. Then, when it could finally see clearly again, it wished it didnt. Alex hit the Spearow between the eyes and after this the Spearow decided that it had enough and ran off. Alex huffed. [i]Good they had fought him of-[/i] His thought was broken up by a painfull feeling in his back. It was the other Spearow, Alex had completly forgotten about him. Before Alex could turn around the Spearow had attacked him again. This one seemed to be alot more determined to fight. As he tried to attack Alex a third time Eevee intervened with a tackle. Eevee let out a low growl at the Spearow and it responded with a loud squawk before spreading it's wings, trying to intimidate Eevee. It didnt work though, Eevee was determined to avenge his earlier loss against this Spearow and he didnt seem to take to kindly to the Spearow attacking Alex. [color=blue]"Thanks Eevee." [/color]Alex said while groaning in pain. [color=blue]"Now let's teach this bird that he shouldnt mess with us!"[/color] Eevee barked at Alex, confirming his determination. The Spearow charged at Eevee. It tried to peck Eevee's eyes out. [color=blue]"Wait for it..."[/color] The Spearow was fast and the beak came very close... But not close enough. [color=blue]"Now Eevee! Use your tail to jump!"[/color] Eevee used his tail to get airborne and leap over the Spearow. The Spearow had build up so much momentum that it couldnt stop and that made it run straight into a tree. Before it was able to turn around Eevee had already tackled it. The Spearow was pinned and had no where to go. The Spearow was looking with eyes full of fear up at Alex, then Eevee, then back at Alex. It cried out for help, but no one would be able to hear it. Alex looked at the bird. It had admited it's defeat and was now awaiting the final blow. A blow which would never come. [color=blue]"Let him go Eevee."[/color] Alex said while looking at the little bird. Eevee let the Spearow go and limped back to Alex. The Spearow widened it's eyes. It had not expected mercy, it probably didnt even know mercy. It let out a soft squawk to which Eevee responded with a bark. Eevee then pulled at Alex's leg and looked up at him. Alex knew what Eevee was trying to ask him and he didnt blame him. Eventhough this Spearow had just attacked Eevee it didnt seem like he had any grudge with the Spearow and he wanted Alex to help him. Alex slowly walked up to the Spearow, who seemed abit hesitant about this. Alex knelt infront of the Spearow and got a potion out of his bag. [color=blue]"This might sting abit."[/color] The Spearow was a tough one, he didnt even make a sound as Alex applied the potion. Alex looked over his shoulder to Eevee. [color=blue]"Come over here will you? Since I'm busy anyway I might aswell fix you up too."[/color] Eevee limped up with a smile on it's face. After Alex applied another potion to Eevee he got up. It seemed like the Spearow and Eevee had started a conversation about something, it made Alex smile. They seemed to get along, like those two trainers in the grou- ... [color=blue]"DAMMIT! Eevee, we have to go! Now!"[/color] Eevee and the Spearow looked up in suprise to Alex's sudden outburst. The ofcourse didnt know that Alex had just now lost the group, well, not just now... Already the moment he ran after Eevee. Now he was alone, in the forest, and it was getting dark... Could it get any worse? [color=blue]"If it starts to rain..." [/color] Alex mumbled to himself. [color=blue]"Come on Eevee, we gotta find the group!"[/color] Eevee responded with a bark and ran off ahead. Alex was about to follow him when the Spearow squawked. It looked up at Alex with it's little eyes. Alex didnt really know what to do, did the Spearow want to follow him? Well... He could use a new pokemon, so why not ask? Alex grabbed one of his Pokeblocks and put it on the palm of his hand. He then kept his hand close to Spearow. [color=blue]"You want to join me and Eevee in some adventures?"[/color] The Spearow pecked away at the Pokeblock and then looked up at Alex. After short time he nodded. [color=blue]"Good, then dont struggle, alright?"[/color] Alex grabbed a pokeball and rolled it up to Spearow who then got absorbed by the red light. The Pokeball rocked back and forth for a while but eventually the beloved click was heard. Alex picked up the ball. Awesome, he had just caught his first Pokemon and... Where's Eevee... Ooh Arceus no, not again! But Alex didnt need to worry. Eevee was happily barking at him because he had found the trail they had been walking on earlier. Alex had initially thought that catching up with the group would be hard but he was mistaken, all he had to do was follow the trail of incapacitated Pidgeys. As he caught up with the group he was dumbstruck by how battered most of them looked. Apparently Alex wasnt the only one who had a confrontation with Pokemon. Though the group apparantly had a nasty Spinarak problem. Before he could ask anything though he heard Peggy saying that they should head for Cherrygrove. Well duh, that's where they were heading to anyway, why should they chan- Alex realised it the moment the thought crossed his mind. Ofcourse... Abigail. Apparently she wanted to head over to Blackthorn... Through the caves. Was she insane!? Melody suggested to put it to a vote, ofcourse she suported her mistress' notion of going to Blackthorn. Airhead had apparently decided to join the twisted sisters and wanted to head into the caves aswell. Then Abigail went batshit insane on Peggy. Insulting Peggy in everyway Abigail could. Alex balled his fists out of anger. Instead of lashing out he was trying his best to control himself and greet the group. [color=blue]"Hey guys, what the hell happened to all of you, you look terrible!"[/color] He looked over at Abigail with a smirk on his face. [color=blue]"Except for you, I love your new hairstyle. I think it really fits your inner self."[/color] He then addressed the whole group again. [color=blue]"I dont know what happened to all of you but I know for certain that we should head to Cherrygrove. It's much closer and I dont want to be in the caves when night falls. Elm told us to go to Cherrygrove, so lets listen to the man who has years of experience, alright?"[/color] He turned around and started walking in the direction of Cherrygrove. As he walked away he said; [color=blue]"Ooh, and who ever was responsible for this whole mess you guys were in, I think you should appologise to the entire group cause it were your actions who put them all in danger. Alright?"[/color]