Soloman tapped his earpiece "Hello? Yes I read you. We are ready for take of." He pulled a lever and The Infinity rose off the ground. "All systems are go." He smiled he was back in the air. "Captain over and out." He looked over the th empty seat next to him. Mark's seat. "Don't worry Cappy, I'll make this mission worth the crew!" He laughed and then spoke into the intercom "Right-ho, crew, we have taken off," he said, in a commanding tone "so you had better started planning the escort whilst we're on Uranus!" He sighed. This crew was harder than he thought. He left the ship to pilot itself and he visited the bridge. There he could monitor the goings on of the planning of the escort mission. When he heard Brain 'fresh out of collage' remark, he yelled so loud they could probably hear it in the breifing room. "How dare he call me 'fresh out of collage'!! I'm 29 years old for Christsake! I'm probably going to need something to hit now!" He then added "Maybe that Neural Networks punk!!" He silently chuckled.