[quote=@Terminal] Your favorite character, who is yours, whom you write for. Not a character belonging to anybody else. You may write for characters of your own who are present in story franchise settings, but you may /not/ write as characters who are a part of that setting's actual canon cast, since those would not be your characters. The very first clarifying point in the contest thread even specifically states you can only use your own characters. This is an ancillary point to the entire topic - the whole point is to use one of your own characters, in any given setting of your choice. Because of [Legal issues] and [Contingencies] I am merely including rules to ensure that if you mention franchise settings or otherwise make use of them, you credit the original creator of that setting. You are under no compulsion whatsoever to specifically use fandom characters or settings. If any part of the main contest description has led you to believe otherwise, please immediately point it out. Use ANY character you want, as long as it is your own. [/quote] Oooookay, that changes a lot. Alright. Perfect. I have someone in mind. One last question though. The character I have in mind is an OC in a crossover RPG. Is that allowed?