[quote=@Silverwind Blade] From the north east, a quartet of radar returns briefly flashed on screen, almost ghosting, before dropping off again. Moments later, lock-on warnings sounded on the three aircraft of the air-to-air elment, and missiles flashed toward them. In the clear skies of the morning sun, a distant gleam and glimmer could be seen of a canopy in the sunlight. [/quote] "You have to fucking kidding me." Was all Marciano said as the tone that warned of an incoming missile lock filled his cabin and ears. He pushed his throttle once more to the near edges of casing and threw his jet into a hard right bank. He gritted his teeth as the dull thumps of the countermeasure flares launching reverberated in the hull. Pulling to the left, Marciano turned the Tornado out of the right bank and into a hard left bank, the missile closing closer. Mumbling something under his breath that sounded vaguely prayer like, Marciano launched more flares, his eyes fixed on his review mirror and on the contrail that was creeping closer and closer to his hull. As the bright stars shot out from the planes underside, he held his breath, the missile wavered and finally took the bait, veering off after a flare, a fireball errupting from the jungle where it went down. Bringing the hound into a level position, and slowing the jet away from the sound barrier, Marciano scanned the sky for any sign of who shot at him "Stalin, Viking, this is Charnel. you guys good? Also, who the hell was that!?" looking around the European pilot thought he saw a glimmer in the distance, but couldn't be too sure until the others checked in, he didn't want to go chasing phantoms alone.