[center][hider=Rose Dawrenco] [b]Real name: [/b]Rose Dawrenco [b]Code name:[/b]Fire Fox [b]Age:[/b] 18-19, doesn't like to talk about her birthday, though its on file. [b]Skills:[/b] Flexibility, Light Pain resistance, Strong immune system. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c3/18/d4/c318d48aeb1fa6dbfbb5111904ea8909.jpg[/img] Note; Her jumper is made from fire resistant Material, though looks as if its been scorched. Yes she has the rose tattoo in rp also. [b]Power:[/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Manipulation] Fire Manipulation[/url] Not to the point where she can do much with it yet. Though setting things on fire, thats what she's good at. [b]Bio:[/b] Rose grew up in a big city apartment complex on the wrong side of town for a young girl. gang fights where common and her fierce red hair didn't help. teasing was common allowing her imagination to create a reality that was nicer then her real life. Her Single mother wasn't always around. At 14 she learned how to cook for herself on the old gas stove. And would often just light the gas to watch the fire. At 16 she turned arso and started lighting abondoned buildings on fire. Being the one to call the fire department anonymously under a fake name. She was caught lighting one of these fires and the type of matches she used where linked to the other serial fires in her neighbor hood. Three of those fires killing firefighters who went in unexspectidly. Sentenced as a adult facing years in prison she chose the option of the exsperiments. At least she was allowed near fire again. [/hider][/center]