[center][h3][color=39b54a]- Peggy Atkinson -[/color][/h3][/center] Just as Peggy was starting to regret deciding to speak up in front of everyone, Melody gave her own suggestion. [color=f49ac2]“Why don’t we do a vote then?”[/color] she offered in a cheerful fashion.[color=f49ac2]“That way everyone gets a say. But you can abstain if you want. It’s pretty obvious that Abigail and Avery are voting for Blackthorn, and Peggy’s voting for Cherrygrove, right? I guess I’ll throw my vote in for Blackthorn, myself. I do want that Zubat, after all, and I don’t think we can get one on the way to Cherrygrove.”[/color] Well, that seemed pretty reasonable, Peggy had to admit, and she was able to relax slightly. A vote. That was a pretty civil way to deal with things, wasn't it? That way it wasn't a single person deciding their destination, but the majority. Peggy's mood, however, took a spiral descent downwards once Abigail burst out laughing.[color=662d91]"Wow, okay, that is the lamest excuse I've ever heard,"[/color] the purple-haired girl said. She walked up to Peggy and crouched down so they eye-level with one another, and Peggy felt her own body suddenly tense as if it were preparing for a fight, though Abigail's only weapons here were her words. [color=662d91]"So, what, are you a little mama's girl or something? Ooh, no, I bet you're a daddy's girl, aren't you?"[/color] Peggy felt herself flinch slightly at that last bit, but Abigail wasn't done. [color=662d91]"You're out here on this adventure with some lame excuse like 'It'll be fun' or 'Because they wanted me too' or something, right? I bet that you think you'll be a good trainer one of these days. Don't make me laugh, loser. You'll never be a decent trainer. You won't even be a good trainer! You can't even keep that mutt of yours under control for more than five seconds."[/color] Beside Peggy, Jasper gave a little growl, but didn't make any move to attack Abigail. Abigail pressed a finger onto Peggy's shoulder and giving her a little shove. [color=662d91]"So why don't you run on home to Cherrygrove and to daddy and mama before you get hurt out here, amateur, and let us big girls take care of things."[/color] And then, without a second thought, Peggy became deaf to her other teammates' words - even Alex, which was unfortunate considering he seemed to be on her side - and, in most likely some instinctual reflex, Peggy made a swipe with her right hand at Abigail's face, connecting to the other girl's cheek with a loud 'smack'! She hadn't planned to do it. Peggy didn't even think she possessed the ability to harm another person - violence was just not in her nature, and she usually did all she could to avoid it - but she'd done it. Because like everyone else, Peggy had her limits.