[color=ed1c24][h3]Jackson Grey[/h3][/color] Jackson noticed how everyone seemed to be exceptionally surprised by his return. He had only been gone for twenty to thirty minutes, right? He couldn't wait to show them his new addition, Growlithe was one of his favorite pokemon. To be fair though, Jack loved most pokemon, except for a couple bug types... He didn't like bugs... Speaking of those small fiends, it seems that the group had gotten in a scuffle with a group of spinoarks! On the inside he was actually quite relieved, like he said, bugs gave him the shivers. According to Melody, Abagail had performed admirably during the fight. But Jack judged by the way Melody was looking at Abagail in an almost obsessive way, there was something going on between them. Now he had nothing against lesbians of course, it was 2015, gay pride right? He just found it inked that Abagail seemed to not be interested. Maybe Melody was like, Abagail's bitch or something. Jackson felt bad for Peggy, in all seriousness. The poor girl could barely say a few words without stuttering. He didn't really understand how socializing could be so difficult for one person. Jackson loved to talk, talking allowed him to learn about people and people were interesting. Speaking of interesting, there seemed to be some tension among the group. It all seemed to be based around whether or not they should go to Blackthorn City or Cherrygrove. Abagail did not seem happy about Peggy's objection. For a second, Jackson thought the purple-haired girl was going to attack Peggy. Instead Abagail proceeded to insult the hell out of Peggy, which was completely uncalled for. Her true colors had just need revealed, Abagail was a bitch, at least in Jack's eyes she was. "Hey!" The teen snapped, eyes glaring at Abagail. "There was no need to be that rude to Peggy. We can take a vote and be mature can't we? Instead of insulting each other like 5 year olds. You aren't a five year old are you? Abagail." Jackson crossed his arms, then Alex spoke up. Although it was the first time Jackson had heard Alex talk, he already knew he liked the guy. "I vote for Cherrygrove too. It seems more logical, and I'm quite tired to be honest and there's only a few hours of sunlight left." After stating his opinion, he followed Alex. "We'll eventually get to go to every place hopefully, so there no rush to go to further places. Soooo, that makes it a tie. Even though the Professor said we should go to Cherrygrove [b]anyways[/b]" Jackson decided his pokemon had had a long enough rest, Tiger and Fang should both be duly healed by now. He gripped his two pokeball a and tossed them into the air. Out came Tiger and Fang, the dynamic duo. Fang found his usual perch on Jackson's head and Tiger seemed content with walking beside his partner. Jackson realized how lucky he was, he had two pokemon with opposite types. They could cover each other's weaknesses. Jack grinned, he really did love pokemon. Then, shit seemed to have hit the fan. [i]SMACK[/i] Oh shit, Peggy had a mean right-handed slap. Jackson whirled around, knowing that Abagail was sure to retaliate. Ah! The perfect time for a song! Jackson pulled out his ukulele, and began strumming an upbeat tune. The words rang out in the background, as if it were a theme song for the situation. "What is this feeling, that's put you in your place A red hot burning on the side, of your face The blood rushes to your cheeks, tears start to fill your eyes Your lips are trembling but you can speak Cuz you're trying, oh you're not to cryyyyy You just got slapped Oh oh Across the face my friend Oh oh You just got slapped That really just happened Oh oh Everybody saw it And everybody laughed and clapped It was awesome The way you just got slapped!" Jackson finished with a laugh.