As Deravan wake up slowly, he was greated by the sound of lightning hitting somewhere nearby. "What the heck is going on..." hes says as he moves out of his tent, only to see 3 goblins who were taking their supplies. "What in the..." he says before moving quickly, going to the back of the fight at a fast speed and then rushing to the goblin leader. He then quickly went and slashed at the thief with his dagger, hitting him right at the side as it attempted to dodge. "Stupid thieves, you will regret going to take our stuff." he says in a dark and creepy tone. He then went and attacking with his sword also, but he goblin, having seen the sword coming, quickly moved and dodged the blade, only to have the blade cut slightly the cloth on the goblin. He then backed away quickly, in his guard, ready to strike again quickly when he could. Seriously, starting a morning like this by a fight... it was annoying.... He wasen't even waken up that fully yet. Well, a fight would wake him up rather quickly.