[quote=@Manticore] [i]Oh, for God's sake, you don't have to pretend. I know you hunters aren't as strong.[/i] She thought while observing him struggle with opening that bottle. While he was searching for the cups, Mori listened to the sounds coming from the bar, trying to distinguish what was going on in there. Since there was no sound of screaming, yelling or breaking things, she concluded that everything was alright. With hidden disgust she took the cup Anthar had given her, and clenched her fingers around it, wondering how could she get herself out of drinking alcohol. She followed Anthar's example, and raised her cup high in the air, only to then lower it again, far from her lips. His particular facial expression was enough proof to her, that she made a right decision not taking a sip. If Jet Fuel did that to him, God knows what would have done to Mori. But since she couldn't just stand there with a full cup in her hands, she had to act quickly. After his question, she took a few steps forward, and landed her hand gently on his chest. She licked her lips while observing his, and then raise her gaze up to his eyes. [color=39b54a]''Me? Oh, I just come here to lure good looking men into this room, and then tricking them into drinking that awefully strong shit of a vodka,''[/color] she smiled temptingly, sliding her hands to the sides of his waist as she was slowly to hug him. [/quote] Anthar noticed she didn't drink from her cup. He was going to ask about it, but before he got a chance to she put a hand on his chest and said seductively, ''Me? Oh, I just come here to lure good looking men into this room, and then tricking them into drinking that awefully strong shit of a vodka.'' [i]Is she just making fun, or was there actually something in that vodka?[/i] Anthar wondered. But then he looked into her stunning eyes and she gazed back, putting her arms around his waist. At this point Anthar couldn't think about anything really, other than Mori. He didn't know what he felt, if it was love or nothing more than momentary passion, but he didn't really care. The only thing he could concentrate on were her eyes. And then, as if out of instinct, he leaned in, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her.