[indent]Hey! Let me know if this is all good.[/indent] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [indent]Taric Vesero, “The Butcher Lord”[/indent] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [indent]42[/indent] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [indent]Human[/indent] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [indent]Taric is a man of moderate size, standing near six feet with a slim build. Loose, tattered clothing adorns his skin, dark breeches and coat covered by a threadbare hooded cloak, deep brown in color. A mop of graying blonde hair frames his face, cut in rough ends near his shoulders. His green eyes are narrow and creased, a contrast to a small, straight nose and smooth lips on a pale face that might have once been handsome. Taric is usually seen with a large travelling pack and never seen without his sword belt, with a blade on each hip.[/indent] [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] [indent]Taric is often compared to a wild animal. He bears no social stigma, no method when it comes to interacting with others; he simply does as his impulses demand. He often ignores the common rabble, but when someone takes his interest, he will immediately pursue them. Most of Taric’s pursuits end when his target is either robbed, killed, or scandalized. Occasionally a cause will sweep him up, and within such a cause he can be docile, or even cooperative, with a goal to seek and keep him from the machinations of his mind. When Taric is calm he is often dire, speaking little and more often mumbling cryptic secrets.[/indent] [u][b]Morality/Religion: [/b][/u] [indent]Taric has no thought to spare for religion, or anything beyond the scope of his physical being. He simply analyzes his surroundings, and acts on instinct and whim. His view on the concepts of good and evil are quite vague, and he believes instead in action and reaction. The descended gods are only another obstacle in his reality, one which may or may not intrigue him on any given day.[/indent] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] [indent]To many, Taric is known as the Butcher Lord. It is common knowledge that he was once a noble in service to King Elrin, and a fairly amiable one at that. It is also common knowledge that his wife, Frejna Vesero, was lost to a fever, and it is believed that her death is what broke his mind. After several months of confining himself to his keep, Taric invited many other lords to dinner, lords whom he was very close to. Taric slaughtered them all that night, hacking away their limbs in a frenzied trance, and did not stop until the last survivors of his servants fled the estate. It is unclear what happened to Taric after that night, but nearly a year later rumors began to surface. He was leading a large band of men, preying on outlying nobles and amassing a larger army. Taric proved a formidable foe and expert strategist despite his madness, but his men were untrained and too few, and after several skirmishes with the bannermen of lesser lords, Taric’s rebellion was quelled. He fled into hiding once more. The First Descent put a true end to Taric’s campaign. Over the subsequent years, his band retired to fighting the extraplanar beings that invaded the land. It was a losing battle. After a failed expedition to a fallen town to recover resources, Taric lost the remainder of his army, and has since retreated to the outskirts of Urenda.[/indent] [u][b]Other Notes:[/b][/u] [u][b]Class: [/b][/u] [indent]Dual Swordsman[/indent] [u][b]Skill Points: [/b][/u] [indent]0 / 7[/indent] [u][b]Weapons/Tools:[/b][/u] [indent]Longsword (free) Shortsword (1 SP)[/indent] [u][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/u] [indent]Fighting Style: Dual Swordsman - Taric wields a blade in each hand, dancing like a whirlwind of razors. (free) Magic Style: Hel's Gate - Somewhere in Taric's mad ramblings, a dark magic infected him and manifested itself in otherworldly chants and incantations. These incantations open a channel of mana within Taric's body known has Hel's Gate. The Gate's power possesses his mind, shattering rational thought, but allows him to call forth dark energy. This dark energy alters the fabric of the mortal plane in some way, often manifesting in illusions of the mind. The more it is used, the greater its power becomes, and the further Taric slips into insanity. (1 SP) Natural Affinity: Quick Reflexes (1 SP) Skill: Military Strategy (1 SP)[/indent] [u][b]Magical Abilities:[/b][/u] [indent]Swallow Dance: Casts multiple illusions of his blades, confusing opponents as he slashes. Creates [b]2[/b] illusion blades per slash for [b]3[/b] slashes. (1 SP) Shadow Mist: Covers a wide area in a black fog, obscuring vision. Covers a [b]30[/b] foot radius around the caster and lasts for [b]1[/b] minute. (1 SP) Nighteye: Enables night vision. Lasts [b]1[/b] hour. (1 SP)[/indent] [u][b]General Equipment:[/b][/u] [indent]Travelling Pack Wineskin Coin Purse Skinning Knife Rations[/indent]