[Center][h1]Far From Home[/h1] [h2]An SAO Roleplay[/h2] [s](now only Scout & Vena Sera)[/s] (Please note, with the return of GoldenFlame, this is no longer a 1x1. However, it's still closed and very private, if it needs to be moved, we will respect the request of the moderators)[/Center] [h3]Chronology of Events[/h3] [b]November 6, 2022:[/b] Sword Art Online begins. Akihiko Kayaba makes his fateful appearance and reveals to the players the true nature of his game. [b] March 14, 2023:[/b] Floor 11 is reached by the players, with the group being among the Clearers. Luna is nearly killed in the ensuing boss battle, but is saved by the diligence of other players. Frontlines move to Floor 12. [b]May 16, 2023:[/b] Currently on Floor 21, the group takes a reprieve to celebrate Yari's 18th birthday. Also the day Fitch and Yari are married, though they keep it a secret. [b]June 24, 2023:[/b] The boss at the end of Floor 25's dungeon stares down a group of 49 clearers. Each one is armed to the teeth and has an unquenchable fire in his/her eyes. Fitch and Yari decide that after the fight, they want to tell the rest of the group about their marriage. However, in a cruel twist of fate, Yari is killed by a surprise change in the boss's battle patterns. Nero uses his one and only resurrection item (origin unknown) to bring her back before time is up. The lapse in her resurrection is believed to be the cause of her amnesia. On the 26th floor, Fitch gets into a fight with the renowned duelist Doku, who was caught flirting with a drunken Yari, and the duel comes to a draw. Fourteen died in the boss fight and Nero is now one of the most controversial "celebrities" in Aincrad. [h3]Floors[/h3] Coming Soon.