As things looked to be heating up in the water better Matt and Ruby, Cassandra decided it might just be best to get out the water. Not because she was uncomfortable, but more because...that level of closeness made her squirm, because she never wanted that. She'd already lost two people she cared about, she didn't want to become close to someone else, only to lose them. she sighed softly, and as she climbed out the water, someone yelled at them to help. She blinked, looking about, seeing the postman in a ditch. She detoured to her tent, slipping a shirt on so she wasn't helping to push a car in just her swim suit, before heading out again, seeing Ryan already helping. She moved up beside him, closing off any memories that began to surface at such an event, a car in a ditch. She was fire, but she still remembered crying for her parents, her mother not answering, her father shifting, to reach for her, his hand, arm, dropping as he died. They were memories that would always haunt her, and it was no point letting them overwhelm her. "Sorry about that, Mr.Postman. I guess we didn't think about the fact the RV might be stopping people." She said, her tone quite genuine as she apologised, leaning against the car, ready to help