Zeta tube transporting was as common to Slobo as blinking at this point, though some of his teammates seemed to have some trouble with it. [color=ed1c24][b]"Stupid whinny earthlings...[/b][/color] Slobo grumbled as he walked away from the rest of the group to explore the rest of the building that would be serving as the team's headquarters. He still wasn't happy about having to shack up with the rest of these people, but no point about whining about it, he was a little baby like some of the others. [color=ed1c24][b]"I don't even sleep. Why do I need a bedroom?"[/b][/color] The grey teen spoke to himself as he walked down the hall flanked by bedroom doors on either side. Reluctantly Slobo picked the door at the end of the hall, as far away from the others as possible. He opened the door and checked out the room for a moment, pretty basic stuff like a bed, stereo, and T.V., before closing the door and looking down the hall in the general direction that he left the group in. [color=ed1c24][b]"THIS IS MY ROOM, I CATCH ANY OF YOU CRUD MUNCHERS IN IT AND I WILL DECLARE OPEN SEASON ON YOUR BUTT!!![/b][/color] He boomed loud enough so he was sure everyone in the building heard him. After that Slobo made his way through the halls, checking out the place before he stumbled upon the kitchen. He quickly ransacked the fridge, finding somebodies left overs of fried chicken. [color=ed1c24][b]"Ohh yeah, it is chow time![/b][/color] The Top Teen exclaimed before grabbing the left overs and biting into a still cold, greasy chicken thigh. [color=ed1c24][b]Mmmmmm yeah that's the stuff...[/b][/color]