Jack nodded. "Alright, let's get the heavy dropship gassed up. If it does turn out that we have to deploy into a hot area, we need that option available." She turned her attention towards Brian. "You read the Captain's dossier? I'd be happier if he was fresh out of college, from what I can tell he got grandfathered into his job because of the guy training him." She paused for a moment to blow a strand of hair out of her face. "A guy who got killed, so in my eyes the fact that he learned from that person doesn't mean all that much. That's exactly why I want to keep you safe, as long as we're working under this yahoo's orders, there's a good chance some of us are coming back injured. I don't think he has any clue what he's doing." She rolled her eyes as her biomechanically enhanced senses picked up on the captain's response, before activating her comm to Soloman again. "People are gonna call 'em like they see 'em, so if you want respect start acting in a way that deserves it. Now I'm asking you again, what moons or stations are we landing on? I need to know what kind of gravity and terrain to expect, since there's obviously no way we're landing on a Jovian planet." She turned off her comm. She sorely wanted to continue and tear a strip off her new CO, but so far he had only SOUNDED extremely incompetent, and until he actually proved that fact there wasn't a lot she could do. Taking a deep breath, she looked around the briefing room. "Other than fueling the heavy dropship, I want a quick overview of the med bay so that we know what options we have if someone gets hurt." She looked pointedly at Brian. "I don't want to find out at the last second that we don't have the tools to properly fuse a broken bone or anything. From what I know of this class of ship, I expect it to be fully stocked, but with a captain like this I want a second opinion from someone who actually knows what they're doing." Looking around at the ragtag group before her, she gave a stern nod. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the cargo bay setting up my weaponry. Keep me informed of any updates. Dismissed." Ducking her head, she turned and walked out of the briefing room before once again opening a comm to Soloman. "I'm also going to need an ETA on our arrival at whatever Uranus facility we're headed to, whenever you could kindly answer any of my mission-relevant, important questions that you're so far ignoring."