Kaden happily floored around in the water, laughing a little at Cassandra's comment. "Let em' hear me. Whatever. They're too busy being 'responsible adults'." Kaden mocked the adults back home. With romance heating up between Matt and Ruby in the water; Kaden felt like it was becoming more of a party. Not quite a romance man himself, he was more of a quick burst of passion kind of guy. Spur of the moment always provided the best results as far as he thought. The unexpected things that you just did, which seemed to be between those two. Soon enough he found people suddenly leaving. Cassandra dashed out of the water, getting away from the lovebirds. Following Ryan who was helping Mr. Postman. Kaden couldn't quite make him out, but the voice sounded familiar. He wasn't going to be bothered so he just kept on enjoying himself out in the water. "I don't know Griffith. Watch out for him, I think he's out to jump you." He laughed, making fun with Scout. As he swam, he got closer to Riley and Krista. Looking at Ruby and Matt. "Just kiss the girl already!" His hand brushed against Krista's side underwater. He turned his head to look her in the eyes. "Right? Gotta help a brother out." Kaden flashed his signature bad boy smile at her.