[@AllIsOne] Looks great! Accepted. I shall move him! [@Tancuras] Oh, hello, he's different, I like him. I think he's leveled fine (his magic style is a bit vague, though thinking about it, you probably copied the older version of the CS that didn't have it explained, and I hadn't elaborated on it before that). I only have one issue with character, and it's his background. Mitchin came to Reath because the world entered a previously unknown state of harmony. There were no major wars or issues going on (except the Orcs, but they weren't considered people). His background contradicts that. He could've had a roaming band, but they wouldn't have been a threat to the kingdom. I think you can keep every other aspect. I love that he's a former noble, and even more love that no one would think that without knowing his history because he's frankly a bit batshit.