Griffith laughed, slapping Scout on the back. This threw off his balance in treading water, but he recovered by laying back to float. “Don’t worry about it Scout. It’s only natural to jump when you’re surprised. Especially when what’s surprising you slaps you in the face.” Griffith closed his eyes and brought his hands around under his head. “Though, while I’m sure she’s a wonderful woman, I don’t know how much I look like your mother.” Flashing Scout a smirk, Griffith took a deep breath and rolled backwards, disappearing beneath the waves. [i]It makes sense, but what was that about being a pervert? Why would he bring… No, could he? That’s not enough to tell, whether he is or not. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Besides, if he is into guys, I’m hardly one to judge. [/i] Griffith reemerged a fair bit further off from shore, initially intending to say mention heading for the islands, when he heard shouting from the shore. He looked up to see a postal van in a ditch. [i]Well, that’s no good.[/i] Griffith swam back ashore, though it wasn’t particularly far, and jogged over to where the van was stuck. Ryan and Cassandra were already there. “Sorry about this,” Griffith said sheepishly, “we didn’t pick the best spot to park.” At least nothing, person or vehicle, looked broken. He braced against the car next to the others.