[center][color=darkkhaki][i][b][h3]Blake Winterhawk[/h3][/b][/i][/color][/center] Blake shot a glance at the retreating spider pokemon and sighed, [color=darkkhaki][b]"I have a feeling this won't end good..."[/b][/color] he said while panting for air. While he was taking a moment to catch his breath, he looked at the others. Melody had, as always, started talking to Abigail about something he would probably find boring. Then, Abigail again brought up the topic of their first destination, still insisting on her previous choice of Blackthorn. [color=darkkhaki][i]Some people never learn...[/i][/color] Blake thought as he watched everyone else slowly voice their own opinions on the matter. Avery, being the Avery he was, probably just went with whatever the others wanted so Blake didn't really blame him for his choice. Peggy on the other hand though, pleasantly supriced Blake. Until then, he had been sure she wasn't one that would be able to voice her opinion on important matters but there she was now, going against the others and voting for Cherrygrove. A silence followed Peggy's little speech that was soon broken by the return of the boy that had picked the Totodile, back at Elm's lab. Blake waved at him, [color=darkkhaki][i]He seems like he's cool, unlike someone else...[/i][/color] he thought. Fortunatelly, he had regained his calm pretty fast after that little incident back at the lab but that didn't mean that he had forgotten about it. He watched as Melody brought up to date their returning friend and then proceeded to reply to Peggy. [quote][color=f49ac2][i]"Why don’t we do a vote then? That way everyone gets a say. But you can abstain if you want. It’s pretty obvious that Abigail and Avery are voting for Blackthorn, and Peggy’s voting for Cherrygrove, right? I guess I’ll throw my vote in for Blackthorn, myself. I do want that Zubat, after all, and I don’t think we can get one on the way to Cherrygrove."[/i][/color][/quote] So it was 3 to 1 for Blackthorn. The odds kept getting worse and worse, [color=darkkhaki][i]If this continues, I'll have to try and guide this bunch through a cave I have little to no knowledge of. That is unless we would be so god-damn lucky and find some kind of guide around the entrance...[/i][/color] Blake thought, slightly annoyed. Then, all of a sudden, Abigail let out the most annoying laugh Blake had heard in his life. It felt like Weavile were slashing at his ears with their claws and he could do nothing about it. After she finished clawing at his ears with her voice, she approached Peggy and proceeded to unleash a metric butt-ton of insults at her, even going as far as shoving her. All the while, the poor girl just stood there and just listened to Abigail's little outburst. With every insult, Blake was getting more and more angry with Abigail. Alex jumped in, defending her choice and even throwing a stealthy insult at Abigail about her new hairstyle, that made Blake chuckle a little, before he voted against them heading to Blackthorn. Melody started blabbering her usual stuff, always taking her little queen's side. What happened after that was something that made Blake appreciate Peggy even more. Without prior notice and while Abigail was just finishing her insult-filled speech, Peggy raised her hand and swiped it across Abigail's face, slapping the lights out of her. That right there, was comedy gold. Blake just fell down on the ground, laughing his ass off. Since he first met Abigail, the thing he so desperately wanted to do, Peggy just up and stole it from him. And the funny thing was, he didn't care! That slap was golden, [color=darkkhaki][b]"HA..ha..You..hahaha...Peggy, you...I JUST CAN'T!"[/b][/color] he exclaimed and started laughing once again. Right at that moment, the totodile boy, who had said his name was Jackson, pulled out from nowhere a guitar-shaped instrument and started singing a song, adding a whole other level to the comedy factor of the whole thing.[color=darkkhaki][b]"Stophahaha..I'm goinghahahahahahahahaha..toahaha. I'm going to die!"[/b][/color]