[centre] [h3][color=f7941d]~Avery Grant~[/color][/h3] Freedom! GLORIOUS FREEDOM! Avery was practically beaming when Melody finished with his poor hair. He felt like a new man, capable of just about anything. Like maybe casting away the monsters with just his mind? Avery focused on the path they had just entered by. He gazed at the eyes, and they at him. He felt his mind reach out and touch theirs, and for a brief moment, they knew everything about one another. Hopes, dreams, fears… The spiders retreated. [s]Coincidence.[/s] Victory! [color=blue]"I dont know what happened to all of you but I know for certain that we should head to Cherrygrove. It's much closer and I dont want to be in the caves when night falls. Elm told us to go to Cherrygrove, so lets listen to the man who has years of experience, alright?"[/color] Wait...Elm said Cherrygrove? But...didn’t they say that he said to go to Blackthorn? Did he maybe say both? Oh that Elm, always confusing people. How silly. He was always doing this. He'd get so wrapped up in his thoughts that he would mix up his phrasing. Of course HE knew what he was trying to say but everyone else... Well, if he did say both Blackthorn and Cherrygrove, then either would work for Avery. As long as he got to travel with his happy little pseudo-family, then everything would be fine. But a loud snap broke Avery from his thoughts. Avery turned back to his group. They were all together, apparently discussing something. The Musicbro was playing a funny little song, and Hatbro was laughing. He said something about Peggy… So the survivalist was a comedian as well? Well alright, jokes were always awesome. She would not only be able to guide them to safety, but keep them entertained as well. Combined with Musicbro's awesome tunes, and they'd have a show! Why, everyone seemed to be having such a great time. They were all going to be amazing friends, he could just feel it. Feel it… Feel… Avery hurried over to group. And… Jeez, this guy really is an idiot. Avery spread out his arms, looping one around Peggy’s shoulders and one around Abigail’s. [color=f7941d]“Aww...GROUPHUG~!”[/color] Avery rang out in a jolly tone as he pulled the girls into the hug, inviting everyone else to join in. They were all such happy people, he wanted to cry. True bonds are formed in hugs, and with this hug, theirs shall be glorious. And he laughed. So very happily, beaming a wide smile to everyone, completely oblivious to the tension in the air. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stop them now. [/centre]