[center] [h3][color=662d91]~Abigial Blanchett~[/color][/h3] Abigail barely registered the insult from Alex when he finally caught up with them. She didn't really care much for him. Her current attention was focused solely on Peggy. She was waiting for the other girl to say something. Retaliate in some way. She expected the little girl to start bawling, or break down in some way. Possibly just stay silent and walk away. What actually happened, was completely unexpected. A loud smack echoed through the area. It didn't exactly hurt. In fact, it was more surprising than anything, which was clearly spelled out on the girls face as she gave her cheek a gentle rub. She had just smacked her right across her face. She didn't entirely know how to respond to that. No one had ever so much has ever even dared to do that before. Instead of being angry, like some might have expected though, she simply gave Peggy a small smirk as she looked at her, pulling herself back up to her full height. Standing at a rather tall 5'7", she practically towered over the smaller girl, ignoring both Blake and Jackson. ...it's not like those losers words actually meant anything, right? ...right. Before she had a chance to retaliate though, It was then, Avery wrapped the two of them in a hug, much to Abigails surprise. In fact, this was as close as she had ever been to anyone, let alone a...a guy. Well, unless she was the one doing the talking and stuff. But this? She was definitely not prepared for the hug. Almost immediately, her face turned a shade of bright red, before freaking out just a tiny bit. [color=662d91]"G-get off!"[/color] She said, shoving Avery off of her, and giving him a sharp slap to the back of the head. "[color=662d91]Arceus Avery, warn me next time when you're going to go touching people! Some of us don't...don't like...uhm...the whole...touching thing."[/color] As she talked, her words trailed off before she shook her head, remembering what she was going to say before she was so rudely...interrupted. [color=662d91]"You know,"[/color] She scoffed, her arrogant and condescending tone easily returning in a matter of seconds. [color=662d91]"I'm not going to waste my time on someone with such hideous taste in clothes. I mean really, green? That is the most disgusting color in the history of mankind." [/color]She said, turning away from the other girl. [color=662d91]"I think you'd actually look better in...maybe a bright red? Perhaps a blue or a yellow."[/color] With that, she walked away from Peggy, deciding to let the others decide on where they want to go. She felt...tired, actually. Kind of drained, physically. ...Blake was still laughing, and that stupid song of Jacksons... well, that was fine. Not like she cared about either of them anyways. Maybe they'd get eaten by a scyther or something, and then she'd be the one laughing. well, either way, she hoped they made camp soon. [/center]