[hider=Yakima Saiyo, Captain of Squad 10] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bleachfanfiction/images/9/91/VanKhus.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131203224111[/img] Yakima Saiyo Age: 480 Gender: Male Height: 6'0" Weight: 180 Hair Colour: Navy Blue Eye Colour: Ocean Blue Birthday: Classified Clan/Family: N/A Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami Rank: Captain of Squad 10 After TS: Wanted Criminal Spiritual Energy Colour: Dark Blue mixed with streaks of dark gray Power Level: Mid-tier Captain After TS: Unknown Personality: Yakima is a really straight-forward guy. He hates to deal with unnecessary matters and tends to avoid them at great lengths. He is also known to be very serious and has yet to smile his entire time of being a captain. He disciplines his subordinates thoroughly if they show some angst. One of his greatest feats was the length he went through just to have his birthday hidden. Even if you look at all his past documents and even birth certificate, all things relating to his birth date has been blacked out. He despises birthdays and has yet to celebrate a single one, even as a child. Even though Yakima is incredibly serious, he still cares for his subordinates and his loved ones, restricting himself during the battlefield to avoid injuries caused by his zanpakuto. Proof of this was when he became a captain. For weeks, he worked entirely on his shikai and mastering it. He spent countless hours honing his shikai just to reduce the possibility of his subordinates being hurt when activating his shikai. Yakima's life before he became a captain is generally unknown. It is believed that he was much more reckless and ruthless. He also has a wife, which he seems to get nervous and act wildly when her name is spoken. Some claim that it wasn't becoming a captain that calmed him down but rather it was getting married. He has yet to deny or approve these statements. History: (Would like to be done but can be done later) Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: - Has a WIFE he rarely speaks of. Other: - Has an eyepatch but still has perfect depth perception. ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Magatsujin Type: Unknown Type (Believed to be weather type Yakima says it goes beyond it) Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Devastate the lands Spirit Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/334/c/b/jina_hava___god_of_the_wind_by_redbast-d3iyyto.jpg[/img] Spirit Personality/Goals: Unknown Inner world: [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120607/video%20games%20world%20of%20warcraft%20storm%20peaks%20blizzard%20entertainment%20artwork%201600x910%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_68.jpg[/img] Sealed appearance: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/086/b/0/Storm_Shadow__s_Katana_by_Ryujin10.jpg[/img] Shikai appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bleachfanfiction/images/a/ad/Kaito_s_shikai_12th_division_by_zanpakuto_leader-d3fuyio.png/revision/latest?cb=20110515003235[/img] Bankai appearance: Shikai skills: 1. Gathering of Clouds - One of Yakima's major and signature skills. Before he could use this skill, he must speak its name. After, the first ring on Yakima's hand begins to glow brightly and rotate into a certain position. Yakima slowly spins his arm in a circular motion, clouds above and turning a dark gray/black. This skill acts as a catalyst and an enhancer for the majority of Yakima's skills. 1a. 2. Cloud Fang - With a swing of his zanpakuto, Yakima conjures up multiple powerful tornadoes of different magnitudes. The strength and number of these tornadoes depend on Yakima and how much effort he puts into it. 2a. Searing Cloud Fang - A mixture of his second and third skill 3. 4. 5. Melancholy Dance - After the first skill has been used, lightning begins to generate within the clouds. Yakima has to wait for the right amount of lightning to collect before he can cast this technique. Yakima swings his shikai downwards, a massive amount of lightning bolts which bombard whoever is unlucky to be below 6. 7. 8. Bankai skills: Magatsukami 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: - Yakima can create a small cloud for him to sit on or relax on whenever he wants Skills (Note: The skills below are the ones learned in the Academy. You may pick and choose which ones you want from what is listed below already. You can have all the skills already given to you or perhaps challenge yourself a little and Handicap your character in some area's) Zanjutsu Hozuri (3) Shitonegaeshi (3) Hozan Kenbu (3) Ryodan (3) Senmaioroshi (3) Suikawari (3) Agitowari (3) Onibi (3) Hitotsume: Nadegiri (3) Kido Bakudo #1 Sai (3) #4 Hainawa (3) #8 Seki (3) #9 Geki (3) #9 Horin (3) #11 Kyomon (3) #12 Fushibi (3) #20 Hakufuku (1) #21 Sekienton (2) #22 Inemuri (3) #26 Kyokko (3) #27 Tanma Otoshi (2) #28 Shibireyubi (3) #30 Shiotsu Sansen (2) #37 Tsuriboshi (2) #39 Enkosen (3) #61 Rikujokoro (3) #62 Hyaporankan (3) #63 Sajo Sabaku (2) #65 El Escudo (2) #73 Tozansho (2) Hado #1 Sho (3) #4 Byakurai (3) #11 Tsuzuri Raiden (3) #31 Shakkaho (3) #32 Okasen (3) #33 Sokatsui (3) #34 Kongobaku (3) #40 Gaki Rekko (3) #54 Haien (3) #58 Tenran (2) #63 Raikoho (2) Hakuda Tessho (3) Tsukiyubi (3) Chōhigezutsuki (3) Kazaguruma (3) Gatoringu Jidanda (3) Sandobaggu Bīto (3) Kagamibiraki (3) Oni Dekopin (3) Ikkotsu (3) Raiōken (3) Sōkotsu (2) Shunkō (2) Hoho Speed Clones (2) Utsusemi (3) Shunpo (3) Senka (1) Total points gained: Total Points Spent: Mission log: Points spent and skills gained: [/hider] [hider=Squad Ten Records] [u][b]Members and Rankings[/b][/u] [u]Captain[/u] Yakima Saiyo [u]Lieutenant[/u] N/A [u]Seated[/u] N/A [u]Unseated[/u] [list] [*]Aya Oda [*]Shinzo Harimaya [/list] [u][b]Spars/Training[/b][/u] - Aya Oda: 7 points - Captain Fight - Shinzo Harimaya: 7 points - Captain Fight [b][u]Missions[/u][/b] N/A [/hider] ------ My main character for Squad 13~ [hider=Yukio Kimara] [h3][color=crimson]Yukio Kimara[/color][/h3] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/thebreaker/images/d/de/NW_Chapter_182.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141205084727[/img] [hider=In her work attire] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/271/6/7/jin_ie_kwon_by_maflasd-d6obh8m.png[/img] [/hider] Age: 345 Gender: "Take a guess" Height: 5'7" Weight: nope Hair Colour: Bright Red Eye Colour: Light Gray Birthday: July 28 Clan/Family: N/A Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami + Waitressing on the side Rank: Unseated Spiritual Energy Color: [color=crimson]Crimson[/color] Power Level: Unseated Personality: Yukio is not your average girl, she's full of sass, stubborn and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's more of a tomboy and prefers to hang out with males rather than females. She finds less drama and more fighting when she's around men, something she prefers instead of living easily. She is also incredibly short tempered, solving solutions with her fists more than her words. Because of this short-temper, she's been deemed anti-social, which pisses her off even more. She is also a very independent individual, forged by her years of providing for her family. Because of that, she dislikes it when people offer help when she doesn't ask. Despite her fiery attitude, she's still has her kinder and more feminine. This side often comes up when she's dealing with her family or people who she actually likes. She's generally nicer to children and the elderly, along with higher-ups or people who she respects. Also, even though her father left them as a child, she holds no ill thoughts towards him. Instead, she actually wants to figure out why he left and looks for him to this day. Will RP rest out. History: Yukio comes from the Rukon districts, a family consisting of a single mother since. Her father had left when she was just a child to follow his dreams. Not too long after he left, a pair of crying babies were found on their front door. Her mother, being the kind lady she was, took in the children and raised them as her own. She even gave the two of them names, Satoshi and Mitoshi. Both Yukio and her mother raised the children, while also making money to support them. All was going well until her mother suddenly came down with an illness. At first, it just seemed like an average cough, nothing too harmful that an average person can fight off with rest. But her mother never rested. Even when she was sick, she worked multiple jobs to support her children. However, her body was only able to handle enough before she passed out and became far more ill than before. Being so poor, Yukio and her family wasn't able to buy any medicine or visit a doctor to deal with the sickness. So to help support her family, Yukio found a job being a waitress with decent pay. It was enough to support her family. But she always noticed one thing, how shinigami had a life of luxury compared to the Rukon district members. They had money, stable homes and a steady food source. In her eyes, they had it easy. Thats when the thought came to her head. If she became a shinigami, she'd be able to support her family. She'd be able to buy the proper treatment her mother needed. But she couldn't just abandon them, they would die within a few days without her. So she waited, patiently as she continued to work and save up money, bit by bit. Finally, the time came when Satoshi was able to fend for himself and even got a job. She trained him what she knew, which wasn't much but enough to survive. Puttiing full trust in him, she gave Satoshi what money she saved and left for the Seireitei. Surprisingly, she was easily accepted into the Shino Academy due to her potential and impressive reiatsu control, taught to her by her father as a child. Years later, she finally graduated from the Academies and hopes to join Squad 13. Once that's over, her next visit will be home. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Satoshi Kimara - Her younger brother Mitoshi Kimare - Her younger sister, both are twins Roze Kimara - Her ill mother Other: - Sometimes accidentally comes in with her waitress headpiece on [hider=Locked Zanpakuto] ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: TBR Type: Fire/Kido Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: (optional) Spirit Appearance: (Should have a beast like appearance and a humanoid like appearance. The Zanpakuto spirit will likely stay in it's beast like appearance for a vast majority of the time however if fighting is to occur with your Zanpakuto spirit then it may use it's humanoid appearance) Spirit Personality/Goals: (Zanpakuto Spirits tend to have their own personality and also goals. The personality of your Zanpakuto and Goals of your Zanpakuto determine how quick the progress will be made. Please make these goals realistic and make it challenging for your character as that will likely make the experience more enjoyable.) Inner world: (This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world) Sealed appearance: [img]http://www.wholesaleblades.com/assets/images/Large/SW459RF.jpg[/img] Shikai appearance: Bankai appearance: Shikai skills: (Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills) 1. TBR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bankai skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: [/hider] Skills Zanjutsu Hozuri (1) Shitonegaeshi (1) Kido Bakudo #1 Sai (1) #8 Seki (1) #9 Geki (1) #9 Horin (1) #11 Kyomon (1) #12 Fushibi (1) Hado #1 Sho (1) #4 Byakurai (1) #11 Tsuzuri Raiden (1) #31 Shakkaho (1) #32 Okasen (1) #33 Sokatsui (1) Hakuda Tessho (1) Hoho Shunpo (1) Total points gained: Total Points Spent: Mission log: Points spent and skills gained: [/hider]