I'm CoG. Nobody named themselves Cog yet? Well I guess someone did now. Seriously, I'm surprised that was available. If you're wondering why I'm called CoG, it's because I was 11 and decided I'd call myself "commander of games" on forums. It stuck, even though I'm now 16 and realize its really, really stupid. Sorry about that. Personally I love science fiction, fantasy is pretty fun too. But sci-fi is definitely my first love. I especially enjoy nation-focused RPs, which I see you have a forum for. I think my favorite thing about sci-fi nation RPs is the worldbuilding people can do together; and it's [i]literally[/i] world building, since you usually come up with... planets... and... stuff. Uh... Worlds. Anyway. Aliens are my thing, specifically (not in [i]that[/i] way), sorry humans. Sorry, I ramble. Anyway, I'm here because it's called "Roleplayer Guild" and I'm a roleplayer, right? A forumless roleplayer to be exact. The forum I used to go on just sort of... died of inactivity. So I searched a long time and found this place. It looks pretty nice. I hope I can fit in and maybe make this place my new home of sorts, if you'll have me. Oh and sorry (I forgot to mention I'm Canadian, so I do that... a lot. But strangely, I don't like maple syrup.) if this post comes off as awkward. I don't usually do... introductions. Rambler out!